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一、实验目的与意义 1、加深了解圆管层流和紊流的沿程损失随流速变化的规律; 2、掌握管道沿程阻力系数的量测技术及压差计的量测方法; 3、分析沿程阻力系数与雷诺数的关系; 4、掌握三点法、四点法量测局部阻力系数的技能;
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第八章量纲分析和相似原理 复习思考题 1.何谓量纲?量纲和单位何不同 2.量纲分析方法的理论根据是什么? 3.怎样运用瑞利法建立物理方程? 4.怎样运用x定理建立物理方程?
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第六章明渠流动 复习思考题 1.同有压管流相比较,明渠流动有哪些特点? 2.明渠均匀流的形成条件和特征是什么? 3.明渠均匀流的水深(正常水深)与哪些因素有关?
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第二章水静力学 复习思考题 1.试述静止流体中的应力特性。 2.怎么认识流体静力学基本方程2+P=C的几何意义和物理意义? 3.绝对压强、相对压强、真空度是怎样定义的?相互之间如何换算?
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1.试从力学分析的角度,比较流体与固体对外力抵抗能力的差别。 2.何谓连续介质模型?为了研究流体机械运动的规律,说明引用连续介质模型的必要性和 可行性
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Fluid Flow Concepts Flow classification Ideal fluid flow Frictionless(zero viscosity Incompressible Can be solved mathematically Real fluid flow
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Assessment Ca(2 quizes): Up to 30% Final examination At least 70 %o · Do Not skip lectures Highlight Important Topics/Concepts/Equation Solve additional examples and past Year Questions 10 Tutorials. start on Week 2
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本章重点: 1.容积式液压泵及容积式液压马达的工作原理 2.液压泵及液压马达的压力、排量、流量、功率、效率的概念及计算 3.液压马达的压力、排量、流量、功率、效率的概念及计算 4.齿轮泵、叶片泵和柱塞泵的工作原理、结构特点、配流方式及选用
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Related Information Declaration of Independence The statement made by the 13 colonies on July 4th, 1776, during the War of American Independence, announcing their separation from Britain, and founding the United States of America. The Declaration of Independence was written mostly by Thomas Jefferson
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Related Information 1. 1. Opinion polls A survey of porential voters to determine their mood and attempt to determine the outcome of the election. Opinion polls started to play a part in American polities in the 1930s when the Gallup poll predicted the election of President Roosevelt in 1936
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