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the open-circuit reverse voltage gainthe open-circuit transfer admittancethe short-circuit transfer impedancethe short-circuit reverse current gain
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are parameters The matrix from of parameter equations:
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parameters equivalents admittance parameters. They parameter equivalents matrix form:
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Three-phase sources have three Q terminals called the line terminals(a, b,c). + Neutral connection--n an b+V n bn Balanced three-phase sources may
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1.1可编程序控制器的由来 可编程序控制器( Programmable Controller)简称为PC 可编程序逻辑控制器( Programmable Logic Cntroller) 简称为PLC
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An ideal transformer is a useful approximation of a very tightly coupled transformer in which the coefficient of coupling is almost unity and both the primary and secondary inductive reactance are extremely large in comparison with the terminating impedance
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