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淋巴造血系统 定义 淋巴瘤是原发于淋巴结和结 外淋巴组织、具有淋巴细胞 分化特点的恶性肿瘤
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Repair(修复) As cells and tissues are being injured, events that contain the damage and prepare the surviving cells to replicate are set into motion
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一、填空题 1.弥漫性毛细血管内增生性肾小球肾炎的主要变化分为 、其成分为 和
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1、原因和发生机理 (1)、物理性因素 (2)、化学性因素 (3)、生物性因素
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一、填空题 1.子宫颈鳞癌按其分化程度可分为鳞癌,中分化鳞癌和鳞癌
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一、代谢性代偿 二、功能性代偿 三、结构性代偿
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(一)、肿瘤的外形(如图1,如图2) (二)、肿瘤的体积 (三)、肿瘤的色彩 (四)、肿瘤的硬度
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1、生物性因素 2、物理性因素 3、化学性因素 4、某些抗原性因素
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1. What is Pathology: (1) Scientific study of diseas Causes (etiology) mechanisms (pathogenesis) ( 2)Investigation manifestaticn morphology of progress
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One Tnberculosis Two Leprosy Three Typhoid fever Four Bacillary dysentery Five Leptospirsis Siⅸ Epidemic hemorrhagic fever Sever Sexually transmitted diseases
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