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广州医科大学(广州医学院):《病理学》课程教学资源(PPP课件,英文版)Chapter Fourteen Infctious diseases

One Tnberculosis Two Leprosy Three Typhoid fever Four Bacillary dysentery Five Leptospirsis Siⅸ Epidemic hemorrhagic fever Sever Sexually transmitted diseases

Chapter Fourteen Infectious di seases 修改:张绘宇

Chapter Fourteen Infctious diseases 修改:张绘宇

● One Tuberculosis ● Two Leprosy ● Three Typhoid fever o Four Bacillary dysentery ● Five Leptospirosis Epidemic hemorrhagic fever Sever Sexually transmitted diseases

⚫ One Tnberculosis ⚫ Two Leprosy ⚫ Three Typhoid fever ⚫ Four Bacillary dysentery ⚫ Five Leptospirsis ⚫ Six Epidemic hemorrhagic fever ⚫ Sever Sexually transmitted diseases

Tuberculosis Overview o Tuberculosis is a chronic infectious disease caused by tubercle bacilli and is the classical exampies of granulomatous inflammation. It may involves various organs of human body but the most common site is the lung. Typically the centers of tubercaiar granulomas undergo caseous necrosis

Tuberculosis 一 Overview ⚫ Tuberculosis is a chronic infectious disease caused by tubercle bacilli and is the classical exampies of granalomatous inflammation. It may involves various organs of human body,but the most common site is the lung. Typically the centers of tubercaiar granulomas undergo caseous necrosis

Pathogenesis Mycobacterium tuberculosis

Pathogenesis ⚫ Mycobacterium tuberculosis


Mycobacterium tuberculosis I Lipids 2 Protein 3 Polysacchaide

Mycobacterium tuberculosis : 1 Lipids 2 Protein 3 Polysacchamde

Mode of transmission ●1 Respiratory tract ●2 Alimentary tract ●3Skin

Mode of Transmission ⚫1 Respiratory tract ⚫2 Alimentary tract ⚫3 Skin

Response to immunization The development of cell-mediated ypersensitivity to the tubercle bacilli probably explains the organisms destructiveness in tissues and also the emergence of resistance to the organism

Response to immunization ⚫ The development of cell-mediated hypersensitivity to the tubercle bacilli probably explains the organism’s destructiveness in tissues and also the emergence of resistance to the organism

结核杆菌 Ⅱ类MHC 杆菌抗原肽)n-12 T细胞受体 CD4T细胞 细胞因子 迟发过敏反应 免疫 肉芽肿 致敏的 T细胞 干酪样坏死l 上皮样细胞 ↑吞噬 ↑杀菌活性 So 图15-1结核杆菌引起的免疫反应和变态反应


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