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Diagnosis of Early Pregnancy History and symptoms Amenorrhea The first and the most important symptom emotional tension, chronic disease and certain medications delayed menses lactation, IUD and dysfunction of endocrine→ pregnancy
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卵巢肿瘤概述 现状 一、女性生殖器三大肿瘤之一 二、近20年发病率上升20倍 三、诊断和治疗研究进展缓慢 四、工业化发展+节制生育----潜在病因 五、卵巢组织复杂,各种肿瘤均可发生 六、2/3患者,就诊时已是晚期 七、死亡率70%,5年生存率20-30%
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Labor: the process by which contractions of uterus expel the fetus. Delivery receive the neonate
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第一节 早期妊娠的诊断 第二节 中晚期妊娠的诊断 第三节 胎姿势.胎产式.胎先露.胎方位
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一、定义 二、病理生理变化 三、分类与临床表现 四、诊断与鉴别诊断
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第一节 受精及受精卵发育、输送与着床 第二节 胚胎、胎儿发育特点及胎儿生理特点 第三节 胎儿附属物的形成及其功能 第四节 妊娠期母体变化
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OVARIAN TUMOURS Definition Ovarian tumors may arise at any age but are commonest between 30 and 60. 1.Ovarian tumors are particularly liable to be or to become malignant. 2.In their early stages they are asymptomatic and painless. 3.They may grow to large size and tend to undergo mechanical complications such as torsion and perforation
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Our topics today Uterine prolapse Amenorrhea Dysfunctional uterine bleeding PCOS Infertility Peri-menopause period syndrome
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One of the commonest gynecological cancers, especially in white Americans, it occurs most often in postmenopausal women (up to 80% cases) with less than 5% diagnosed under 40 years of age
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一、病因 二、病理
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