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《医学免疫学》课程教学资源(PPT讲稿)第八章 主要组织相容性复合体及其编码分子(MHC结构及其多基因特性)
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1. Discovery of MHC 2. MHC Genes 3. Binding of Peptides to MHC Molecules 4. MHC polymorphism 5. Function and significance
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I Definition of antibody II Structure of antibody III Function of antibody IV Biological characteristics of different antibodies
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I Definition and characteristics of antigen II Properties of Ag: Foreignness and specificity III Factors that influence immunogenicity IV Classification of antigen V Nonspecific stimuli for immune response
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• Ⅰ Immunity and immunology • Ⅱ Immunologic function • Ⅲ Immune system • Ⅳ Immune response • Ⅴ Immunopathology
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1. Introduction 2. Activation of the Complement System 3. Regulation of complement activation 4. Biological function of complement system
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1. Introduction 2. Antigenicity and specificity 3. Requirements for immunogenicity 4. Types of antigens 5. Superantigen ,immunological adjuvants and mitogen
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:7.93MB 文档页数:51
 Introduction of Immunology  Brief History of Immunology
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:2.94MB 文档页数:19
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