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图像增强是采用一系列技术去改善图像的视觉效果, 或将图像转换成一种更适合于人或机器进行分析和处理 的形式。例如采用一系列技术有选择地突出某些感兴趣 的信息,同时抑制一些不需要的信息,提高图像的使用 价值。 图像增强方法从增强的作用域出发,可分为空间域 增强和频率域增强两种
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一、概述 1、视图 (1)含义:视图是在计算机屏幕上表现空间数据 的数字地图或数字图像。 (2)两类信息:采用两类数据来表达地图信息: 一类是空间数据(记录着事物或者现象的分布位置和拓扑关系)。另一类是属性数据(说明地表的事物和现象是什么)
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Text A The Nightmare and The Dreams Part 1 Objectives Part 2 Background Part 3 Language Points
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Old Father Time becomes a Terror 1. Objectives 2. Background 3. Discussion 4. Text Structure 5. Language Study 6. Content Questions 7. Essay Writing
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成都信息工程大学(成都信工学院):《大学英语》PPT教学课件(第四册)Unit4 America as a Collage
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Text A Smart Cars Part 1 Objectives Part 2 Background Part 3 Structure Study LR Part 4 Language Points
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Text The Icy Defender Part 1 Objectives Part 2 Background Part 3 Structure Study Part 4 Language Points
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Objectives Students will be able to: 1. understand the main idea (Bill Porter the salesman will never give in) and structure of the text (4 parts, 2 flashbacks); 2. appreciate the characteristics of journalistic writing; 3. grasp the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;
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Students will be able to: 1. understand the main idea and structure of the text; 2. appreciate how the repeated use of clues helps weave a piece of narration together; 3. grasp the key language points and grammatical structure in the text
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Students will be able to 1. understand the main idea and the structure of the text. 2 earn to memorize words in association 3. grasp the key language points and grammatical structures in the text 4. conduct a series of reading, listening speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit
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