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I. Levels & Structure of Demand I. Levels & Structure of Demand II. Measuring Current Demand, II. Measuring Current Demand, Area Demand, Future Demand Area Demand, Future Demand III. Sales Forecasting III. Sales Forecasting Techniques Techniques
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I. What is a Distribution I. What is a Distribution Channel? Channel? II. Roles of Distribution Channels II. Roles of Distribution Channels III. Designing of Distribution III. Designing of Distribution Channels Channels IV. Distribution Channel IV. Distribution Channel Management Management
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I. New Product Pricing Strategies I. New Product Pricing Strategies II. Product Mix Pricing Strategies II. Product Mix Pricing Strategies III. Adjustment Strategies III. Adjustment Strategies IV. Initiating & Reactions IV. Initiating & Reactions to Price Price Changes Changes
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I. Levels of Product I. Levels of Product II. Classification of Products II. Classification of Products III. Services Marketing III. Services Marketing IV. New Product Development IV. New Product Development V. Test Marketing V. Test Marketing
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I. Managing Marketing Efforts I. Managing Marketing Efforts II. Organizing the Marketing II. Organizing the Marketing Department Department III. Four skills needed for III. Four skills needed for effective implementation effective implementation IV. Types of Control IV. Types of Control V. Marketing Control Process V. Marketing Control Process VI. Marketing Audits VI. Marketing Audits
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I. Discussion on Strategy I. Discussion on Strategy II. What is Strategic Planning II. What is Strategic Planning III. Steps in Strategic Planning III. Steps in Strategic Planning IV. Planning Functional IV. Planning Functional Strategies Strategies
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I. The Importance of I. The Importance of information information II. The Marketing Information II. The Marketing Information System III. The Marketing Research III. The Marketing Research Process Process IV. Research Plan Designing IV. Research Plan Designing and Execution and Execution
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I. Factors Affecting Consumer I. Factors Affecting Consumer Behavior Behavior II. Types of Buying Decision II. Types of Buying Decision Behavior Behavior III. The Buyer Decision Process III. The Buyer Decision Process IV. The Buyer Decision Process IV. The Buyer Decision Process for New Products for New Products
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第一节微生物生长的基本特征 微生物的种类(可分为三大类): I、非细胞型微生物(病毒); II、原核细胞型微生物,仅有原始细胞核,如细菌、放线菌等; Ⅲ、真核细胞型微生物,霉菌、酵母菌和单细胞藻类,原生动物
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1. 了解制备复盐的一种方法。 2. 掌握无机制备的基本操作技术:水浴加热、减压过滤、蒸发结晶。 3. 练习目视比色半定量分析方法。 1. 掌握KMnO4法测定铁(II)的原理和方法。 2. 了解KMnO4标准溶液的配制及其以Na2C2O4为基准物的标定方法。 3. 通过用KMnO4 标准溶液对硫酸亚铁铵的氧化还原定量滴定,确定学生在制备实验中所得产品硫酸亚铁铵的含铁量
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