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Tellegen's theorem 1: Consider a lumped network n consisting of N+1 nodes and B branches, let=[ b2DbB,i=. Where
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1 Find F(s) if f(t) = (a)(t-3);(b)4t u(t-3); (c)4 cos to(t-3). 2 Obtain partial-fraction expansions for each of the following rational functions, and find the corresponding time functions:
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sequence. The balanced source supplies IMW and 0.2M VAR. If R, =12, find: (a) the line current;(b)Zp; ()the transmission efficiency
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按照Ri的定义,在图2―33(b)电路的输 入端加一电压Ui,这时,从输入端看进去的电 阻为RB ‖rbe,因此Ri= RB
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1. Augmented( incidence matrix of a directed graph nodes(N+1), branches(B)
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1、一位二进制数值比较器 讨论:A和B相比较的情况有三种可能 在一些数字系统中,经常要求比较两个数字的大小。 为完成这一功能所设计的这种电路称为数值比较器
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S14-2 Exponential Fourier series f(t)=+ cosot+a2 cos 2ot+.] sinot+ b2 sin
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1、图:是结点和支路的集合 支路:抽象的线段(直线或曲线) 结点:支路的交点 电路的图:每一个元件用线段表示,US1和R1两支路,所以5个结点(b)
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A A--connection three-phase sources a, b, c--line ter min als
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Three-phase sources have three Q terminals called the line terminals(a, b,c). + Neutral connection--n an b+V n bn Balanced three-phase sources may
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