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I Review Structure of the Cell Membrane II Transport Through the Cell Membrane Tetrodotoxin (TTX) selectively block the voltage-gated Na+ channel ➢ Simple diffusion ➢ Ion channel ➢ Water channel Water transportation through the membrane 3 Active transport 4. Bulk Transport (Endocytosis and Excytosis)
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1、细胞社会性 Cell sociology 2.细胞信号转导 Signal transduction ◼ 蛋白质(激酶)活性的测定 3、细胞衰老 4、细胞死亡及其研究现状 Normal cell Necrotic cell Apoptotic cell 5、细胞凋亡
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Countless divisions of a single-celled zygote produce an organism of astonishing cellular complexity and organiza- tion. Any individual cell is bound to die, because cells are subject to wear and tear as well as to accidents. 25 million cells are undergoing division each second in an adult human and blood cells renewed at the rate of about 100 million per minute. If an organism is to continue to live
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Chapter 1 Introduction to the cell Learning Objectives 1.About Cell Biology 2.Look briefly at the history of cell theory, 3. Consider the basic properties of cells; 4. Compare some characteristics of two different classes of cells: prokaryotes and eukaryotes; 5. Comprehend a special life: viruses
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1. Look briefly at the history of cell theory; 2. Consider the basic properties of cells; 3. Compare some characteristics of two different classes of cells: prokaryotes and eukaryotes; 4. Comprehend a special life: viruses
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1. (4 pts) An early study in the development of peptide-presenting biomaterials showed that polymer surfaces bearing RGD peptides at a density equivalent to -10 peptides per each cell was sufficient to promote cell attachment, spreading and subsequent cell growth. In contrast, when whole fibronectin protein was adsorbed to polymer surfaces, it was found that many more copies of the
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detection methods Surface plasmon resonance biosensors Today cell- and tissue-based sensors Primary transducers and biosensor design with living cells microphysiometer Reading J.J. Pancrazio et al., Development and application of cell-based biosensors, Ann Biomed
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The concept of cell differentiation Determination or commitment Totipotency, Pluripotency and Monopotency Developmental landscape model
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UNIT CELL PROCESSES Regulator UCP Cell Matrix Product Regulator Connect. ECM Mitosis Tiss. Adhesion Sy Synthesis Epithelia |Protein Migration Muscle Collagen
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1 . The chara cte ristics of the n euronal cell Wha t would come to your mind as a definition? It is a cell of the brain: that is not correct, it is more widely spread: CNS = brain + spinal cord, SN P, ente ric s ystem. It is an exc itable cell: it is tr ue but this property is s hared with other cells. Muscles: striated musc le, heart. And other cells too such as endocrine cells present an exc itabilit y that is the property to gene rate action
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