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Georgetown University Law Center 2000 Working Paper Series In Business, Economics and regulatory policy d Public Law and Legal Theory Working Paper No. 249030 Criminal Law in Cyberspace
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Arrow's disclosure paradox implies that information that is not afforded legal protection cannot be bought or sold on the market. This paper emphasizes the important relationship between the paradox of disclosure and the boundaries of the firm question. Only legally
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Being exposed to the risk of criminal victimization or actually being a victim of crime is a common feature of life for most people in most countries throughout the world. Concern about risk and the effects of crime are reflected in various national legal provisions and, at an international level, in the Declaration of Basic Principles of Justice
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The central premise of this issue of the WAKE FOREST LAW REVIEW is that popular media1 can influence behavior in ways that implicate the segments of the legal system that impose liability on those who cause harm to others.2 This Article considers another type of influence that can be traced to popular
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Public Law and Legal Theory Abusive Trademark Litigation and the Shrinking Doctrine of Consumer Confusion: Rethinking Trademark Paradigms in the Context of Entertainment Media and Cyberspace By: Kevin J. Greene Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, Vol. 27 (forthcoming) This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Electronic Paper Collection at:
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内部股(非上市招股) private company shares 牛市 bull market 法律风险 legal risk 风险管理 risk management 坚持严格的贷款标准 maintain strong underwriting standards 六大风险 risks in 6 key areas (U.S. Federal Reserve criterion) 信用风险 credit risk
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▪ Describe operational challenges for a startup e-business ▪ Define legal, office space, and human resources issues ▪ Discuss electronic payment methods ▪ Explain front-end and back-end e-business systems
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