§14-3 对称及反对称性质的应用 (Application about symmetrical and antisymmetrical properties ) §14-1 静不定结构概述(Instruction about statically indeterminate structure) §14-2 用力法解静不定结构(Solving statically indeterminate structure by force method)
14-1静不定结构概述(Instruction about statically indeterminate structure) 14-2用力法解静不定结构(Solving statically indeterminate structure by force method) 14-3对称及反对称性质的应用 (Application about symmetrical and antisymmetrical properties
Structural design After having established the principal dimensions form, and general arrangement of the ship, the designer undertakes the problem of providing a structure capable of withstanding the forces which may be imposed upon it The hull of steel merchant ship is a complex structure, unique in the field of engineering structures in that it is primarily plate structure