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7.1 Learn what Big Data is and how it is changing the world of analytics 7.2 Understand the motivation for and business drivers of Big Data analytics 7.3 Become familiar with the wide range of enabling technologies for Big Data analytics 7.4 Learn about Hadoop, MapReduce, and NoSQL as they relate to Big Data analytics 7.5 Compare and contrast the complementary uses of data warehousing and Big Data technologies 7.6 Become familiar with select Big Data platforms and services 7.7 Understand the need for and appreciate the capabilities of stream analytics 7.8 Learn about the applications of stream analytics
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1. Bridge Circuits 2. Amplifiers 3. Filters 4. Mathematic Operations: z Integration and Differentiation z Addition and Subtraction z Multiplication and Division 5. Function Generation and Linearization 6. Amplitude Modulation and Demodulation 7. Voltage-to-frequency and Frequency-to-Voltage Converters 8. ADC and DAC; SHA
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INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 1 Milk Production and Biosynthesis CHAPTER 2 Milk Grading and Defects CHAPTER 3 Dairy Chemistry and Physics CHAPTER 4 Dairy Microbiology CHAPTER 5 Dairy Processing Clarification, Separation, Standardization Pasteurization UHT Treatment Homogenization Membrane Processing Evaporation and Dehydration Production and Utilization of Steam and Refrigeration CHAPTER 6 Dairy Products Overview and Fluid Milk Products Concentrated and Dried Milk Products Cultured Dairy Products Whipped Cream Ice Cream Butter Manufacture APPENDIX Glossary of Terms
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Chapter 6 Cytoplasmic matrix, Endomembrane system, Protein Sorting and membrane trafficking Learning objective 1. Compartmentalization in Eukaryotic Cells; 2. The structural and functional relationship among the ER, Golgi complexes, lysosomes and plasma membranes of eukaryotic cells; 3. The pathways of proteins targeting and sorting, and its mechanisms; 4. The ways of protein modifications and intracellular sites after they are synthesized; 5. Types of vesicle transport and their functions
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The Science of Genetics Cellular Reproduction Mendelism: The Basic Principles of Inheritance CHAPTER 4 Extensions of Mendelism The Chromosomal Basis of Mendelism Variation in Chromosome Number and Structure Linkage, Crossing Over, and Chromosome Mapping in Eukaryotes The Genetics of Bacteria and Their Viruses DNA and the Molecular Structure of Chromosomes Replication of DNA and Chromosomes Translation and the Genetic Code Mutation, DNA Repair, and Recombination The Techniques of Molecular Genetics Genomics Applications of Molecular Genetics Transposable Genetic Elements Regulation of Gene Expression in Prokaryotes Regulation of Gene Expression in Eukaryotes The Genetic Control of Animal Development The Genetic Basis of Cancer Inheritance of Complex Traits Population Genetics Evolutionary Genetics Transcription and RNA Processing
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Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 6.003: Signals and Systems-Fall 2003 Thursday, November 13. 2003 Directions: The exam consists of 5 problems on pages 2 to 19 and additional work space on pages 20 and 21. Please make sure you have all the pages. Tables of Fourier series properties as well as CT Fourier transform and DT Fourier transform properties and pairs are supplied to you as a separate set of pages. Enter all your work and
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Part I Human Organization 1 Organization of the Body 2 Chemistry of Life 3 Cell Structure and Function 4 Body Tissues and Membranes 5 The Integumentary System Part II Support and Movement 6 The Skeletal System 7 The Muscular System Part III Integration and Coordination 8 The Nervous System 9 The Sensory System 10 The Endocrine System Part IV Maintenance of the Body 11 Blood 12 The Circulatory System 13 The Lymphatic System and Immunity 14 The Respiratory System 15 The Digestive System 16 The Urinary System Part V Reproduction and Development 17 The Reproductive System 18 Human Development and Birth 19 Human Genetics Appendices A Reference Figures: The Human Organism B Understanding Medical Terminology C Answers to MedAlert Questions D Further Readings
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High temperature corrosion tests in 75%Na2SO4-25%. NaCl molten salt have been conducted on waspalloy specimens plasma sprayed with Co-Cr-B-Si, Ni-Cr-B-Si-hCr3C2, X-40, X-40 + TiC and Ni/Al + Al2O3 coatings, test coupons were exposed isothermally at 750℃up to 200 h. After the corrosion tests, each sample was examined by OM, SEM and EMPA. It was found that X-40, X-40 + TiC and Ni/Al + Al2O3 were violently corroded by the molten salt due to cracking and spalling of the coatings, whereas Co-Cr-B-Si and Ni-Cr-B-Si + Cr3C2 exhibited superior corrosion resistance, which were thought to be related to the formation of chromium and silicon oxide film. A possible corrosion mechanism had been proposed and it is suggested that the excellent corrosion resistance and high hot-hardness of the two B-Si containing coatings may be of significance for applications in petroleum refining industry as
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1. Studying the Nervous Systems of Humans and Other Animals 1 UNIT I NEURAL SIGNALING 2. Electrical Signals of Nerve Cells 31 3. Voltage-Dependent Membrane Permeability 47 4. Channels and Transporters 69 5. Synaptic Transmission 93 6. Neurotransmitters, Receptors, and Their Effects 129 7. Molecular Signaling within Neurons 165 UNIT II SENSATION AND SENSORY PROCESSING 8. The Somatic Sensory System 189 9. Pain 209 10. Vision: The Eye 229 11. Central Visual Pathways 259 12. The Auditory System 283 13. The Vestibular System 315 14. The Chemical Senses 337 UNIT III MOVEMENT AND ITS CENTRAL CONTROL 15. Lower Motor Neuron Circuits and Motor Control 371 16. Upper Motor Neuron Control of the Brainstem and Spinal Cord 393 17. Modulation of Movement by the Basal Ganglia 417 18. Modulation of Movement by the Cerebellum 435 19. Eye Movements and Sensory Motor Integration 453 20. The Visceral Motor System 469 UNIT IV THE CHANGING BRAIN 21. Early Brain Development 501
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Cheese is a very varied group of dairy products, produced mainly in Europe, North and South America, Australia and New Zealand and to a lesser extent in North Africa and the Middle East, where it originated during the Agricultural Revolution, 6000-8000 years ago. Cheese production and con- 10A and 10B), is increasing in traditional
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