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1. Dear sirs We refer to contract No 645 for 500 pieces of printed cotton. The contract was made on a cfr basis, whereas your letter of cred it stipulates CIF. This inconsistency must obviously be resolved To avoid any further delay in shipping, we suggest that we arrange the insurance cover. The premium will cost US$140 and we could deduct it from the 2% commission payable to you. The balance
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(1)鉴于乙方与甲方订立本合同,安装甲方的空气调 节设备,双方协议如下: Whereas party b and party a have entered into this Contract to install Party As air-conditioning equipment, the he Parties hereto do hereby agree as follows (2)鉴于该银行同意向该公司提供短期信贷作为资金 周转之用,双方达成协议如下: Whereas the Bank has agreed to extend as Short Term Credit loan for the purpose of providing general working capital to the company, the Parties thereto do hereby agree as follows
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Unit 7 Payment and Settlement of accounts 1. Terms of payment (1) Remittance T/T(Telegraphic Transfer) M/T(Mail Transfer D/D Demand Draft)
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1. Mode of transport and receipt documents (1 By sea: Marine/Ocean B/L; Through B/L CTD(Combined Transport Document or B/L) MTD (Multi-model transport document (2 ) by air: Air Waybill (3) by road or rail: Cargo Receipt(承运货物收据);
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Unit 1. Introduction 1. How can you understand the communication? 2. The Importance of communication 3. How will you do to be an effective communicator?
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1. Arranging insurance cover for the buyer 执事先生 第645号500件印花棉布的合约是以成本加运费的价格而定,但贵公司的 信用证却规定为成本加保险和运费。这一不符显然必须修改。 为避免进一步延误,本公司建议代为安排有关投保手续。保险费为140美 元,将在贵公司2%的佣金内扣除
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Objectives Focus
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Obiectives Focus Warm up 18.1 Mak ing predictions 18.2 Talking about the future 18. 3 Chang ing the way we work Sum-up Assignments
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Objectives Focus Warm up 16.1 Saying what you've done 16.2 Visiting a factory 16.3 The company report Sum-up Assignment
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Obiectives FocuS a Warming up 14.1 Taking a quest to dinner 14.2 Making invitations 14.3 Describing Food Sum-up
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