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Background information your ho their potential The hyde school In 1966, Joseph W. Gauld founded the first Hyde school in Bath, Maine in response to a system of education which hebelieved was failing its children because of conflicting priorities. His search for a new approach in education led to a program that valued attitude over aptitude, effort over ability, and s
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Lecture 16: Intracellular drug delivery Last time nano- and micro-particle drug carriers Delivery to tissues from systemic circulation Today. Intracellular drug delivery Reading A.S. Hoffman et aL., Design of \smart polymers that can direct intracellular drug delivery, Polym. Adv. Technol. 13, 992-999(2002) Ph gradients and drug delivery: cancer res. 56, 1194(1996): adv drug deliv rev 25, 3 (1997); see asokan minireview
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A recent study of controlled release of a model small-molecule drug from poly (lactide-co-glycolide) microspheres prepared by the single-emulsion method found that the diffusion constant of the drug through the polymer was best related to the polymer's molecular weight according to
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就数学意义上而言,线性连续定常系统的传递 函数总是由这几种类型的因子组成的,这些因 子称为基本环节,或者称为典型环节 放大环节(比例环节):k 积分环节: 微分环节:s
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3-1一台四极直流电机,元件数S=120,每元件电阻为0.2,当转速为1000r/min时,每元件的平 均电动势为10V。求当电枢绕组分别为单叠和单波时,正负电刷间的电压U和电枢绕组电阻R各 为多少?
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Step One: Leading-in Activities: 1. Watch the short movies of Chaplin. 2. Discussion: (1) What do the famous people's lives look like in your eye? (2) Do you want to be famous one day? Why or why not? And (3) What do you usually do in your
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4.4.1钻孔涌水量 钻孔涌水量应保持常量,其变化幅度不大于3%。 4.4.2抽水延续时间 抽水延续时间除满足表4-1的要求外,并可结合最远观测孔水位下降与时间关系曲线 S(或△)g来确定
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一、例题精解 【例题3.1】在R、L、C元件串联的电路中,已知R=30,L=127mh,c=40uF, 电源电压u=2202sin(314t+20°)V.(1)求感抗、容抗和阻抗;(2)求电流的有效值1 与瞬时值i的表达式;(3)求功率因数cos;(4)求各部分电压的有效值与瞬时值的表 达式;(5)作相量图;(6)求功率P、Q和S
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一、例题精选 【例题5.1】有一电容元件,C=0.5F,今通入一三角波形的周期电流(图5.1(b),(1)求电容元件两端电压uc;(2)作出u波形;(3)计算t=2.5s时电容元件的电场中储存的能量。设uco=0
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