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一、A型选择题 1.维生素A理论上有几种立体异构体 A.4种 B.8种 C.16种 D.32种 E.64种 2.已经得到的维生素A立体异构体有几种 A.2种 B.4种 C.6种 D.8种 E.10种
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如果在x的某一去心邻域内f(x)≥0(或f(x)≤0),而且 f(x)→A(x→x),那么A≥0(或A≤0) 证明设在x的某一去心邻域内f(x)≥0. 假设上述论断不成立,即设A<0,那么由函数极限的 局部保号性就有x的某一去心邻域,在该邻域内f(x)<0,这 与f(x)≥0的假定矛盾.所以A≥0
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Fred bergsten explains why policymakers need to act now in order to avert the danger of serious damage to the world economy FIVE major risks threaten the world economy. Three centre on the United States: renewed sharp increases in the current-account deficit leading to a crash of the dollar; a budget profile that is out of control; and an outbreak of trade protectionism a fourth relates to China which faces a possible hard landing from its recent overheating The fifth is that oil prices could rise to $60-70 per barrel even without a major political or terrorist disruption, and much higher with one
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What is Packaging? 1. A definition of packaging Packaging is best described as a coordinated system of preparing goods for transport, distribution, storage, retailing, and use of the goods 2. The many things a package might be asked to do Packaging is a complex, dynamic, scientific, artistic, and controversial business function Fundamental function of packaging: contain protects/preserves transports informs/sells
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一、单项选择 例体液调节的特点是(C) A.迅速B准确C.持久D短暂 1.迷走神经传出纤维的冲动可看作是(C) A.控制系统B.受控系统C.控制信息D.反馈信息 2.下列生理过程中,属于负反馈调节的是(B) A.排尿反射B.减压反射C.排便反射D.血液凝固 3.关于易化扩散的叙述错误的是(A) A通道蛋白质对被转运的物质没有特异性 B.以通道为中介的易化扩散如K+由高浓度一侧向低浓度一侧的扩散 C.以载体为中介的易化扩散,如葡萄糖入膜过程 D.以载体为中介的易化扩散其特点是具有饱和现象
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3.1.2 A general uniqueness theorem The key issue for uniqueness of solutions turns out to be the maximal slope of a=a(a) to guarantee uniqueness on time interval T=[to, t,, it is sufficient to require existence of a constant M such that
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一.(本题20分)设K为数域.给定K4的两个子空间 M={(x1,2,3,4)|21-x2+4x3-3x4=0,x1+x3-x4=0 N={1,x2,x3,4)3x1+x2+x3=0,7x1+7x3-3x4=0} 求子空间MN和M+N的维数和一组基 二(本题10分)在K4内给定 a1=(1,-1,1,1),a2=(2,-2,0,1). 令M=L(a1,a2).试求商空间K4/M的维数和一组基 三.(本题20分)给定数域K上的3阶方阵 1-11 A=24-2 3-35 1.求K上的3阶可逆方阵T,使T-1AT为对角矩阵 2.对于任意正整数m,求Am
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第一章: 选择题: 1、A2.a3.c4.a5.b6.A 第二章: 选择题: 1B2.C3.A(不确定)4.B 第三章: 1.c2.b3.d4.c5.b6.b
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一、选择题 A型题 1.d2.c3.e4.e5.d6.a7.e8.c9.c10.b11.d12.a 13.b14.a15.d16.e17.e18.e19.c20.c21.b22.d 23.c24.c25.c26.d27.e8.c29.c30.c31.b32.b 33.c34.b35.c36.d37.e38.e39.c40.c41.b42.c
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第十二章张量积与外代数 12-1多重线性映射 12.1.1线性空间的一组基的对偶基的定义 定义12.1对偶空间 设v是k上n维线性空间,E2,Sn是的一组基,则线性函数 f:V→K(K为数域)被f在此组基下的映射法则决定,即f()f(2)f(n)已给 定。现设V内全体线性函数组成的集合为V,则在V内定义加法与数乘如下: (i)f,,+)(a)= f(a)+g(a); (iif EV', k K, f )(a)= (a). 则V关于上述加法、数乘组成K上的线性空间,称为V的对偶空间,记作o(V,K 定义12.2对偶基 假设同定义12.1,定义V内n个线性函数
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