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本章的知识点: 1.集装箱空箱调运产生的原因 2.空箱调运模型构建 重点掌握:构建空箱调运模型 学生自行查阅的资料: 空箱调运的现状 学时(6)
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本章的知识点: 1.集装箱港口的分类 2.上海港、香港、新加坡港的比较分析 重点掌握港口的分类,腹地型的港口比较复杂,需要完善的集疏运,上海港、深圳港为腹地型港口,对陆路交通的影响较大。 需要学生自行查阅的资料: 1. 上海港、香港、新加坡港近十年的吞吐量 学时(2)
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§3.5 时间相干性 §3.6 光程(optical path) §3.7 薄膜干涉(一)——等厚条纹
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§3.8 薄膜干涉(二)——等倾条纹 §3.9 迈克耳逊干涉仪
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第八章晶体的能带结构 前言 物理学前言之一 材料的性质 大规模集成电路
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In this paper we discuss the role of the media in pressuring corporate managers and directors to behave in ways that are \socially acceptable. Sometimes this coincides with shareholders' value maximization others not. We provide both anecdotal and systematic evidence that media affect companies' policy toward the environment and the amount of corporate resources that are diverted to the sole advantage of controlling shareholders. Our results have important consequences for the focus of the corporate governance debate and for the feasibility of reforms aimed at improving corporate governance around the
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\家相学\认为,炉灶的朝向如果和套宅的朝向正好相反的话是不吉的。何为 朝向呢?炉灶的朝向即是炉灶开关的方向,而套宅的朝向是指套宅大门的方向, 并不是指卧室窗户的方向,这是风水学的朝向和一般人们观念中的朝向的不同 处,必须要搞清。如果您的套宅门向北,而炉灶方向南,就是犯了背宅反向的忌 讳,是不利家运的
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In the deliberations of scholars, policy analysts, and policy makers, power and influence. Yet the historical record shows that television has not changed the economics of attention not merely a fluke or just ironic. It points to a major impediment to the development of information societies. State-owned-and-controlled media can be an important policy lever for overcoming this opposition
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爱因斯坦是本世纪初物理学学革命的巨人。海森伯在谈到爱因斯坦的贡献时说,他“有点像 艺术领域中的达芬奇或者贝多芬,爱因斯坦也站在科学的一个转折点上,而他的著作率先表 达出这一变化的开端:因此,看来好像是他本人发动了我们在本世纪上半期所亲眼目睹的革 命
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The independence of editorial content from advertisers' influence is a cornerstone of journalistic ethics We test whether this independence is observed in practice. We find that mutual fund recommendations are correlated with past advertising in three personal finance publications but not in two national news- papers. Our tests control for numerous fund characteristics, total advertising expenditures
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