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一、填空 1.《诗经》305 篇大抵皆是周初至( )五百多年间的作品。其风、雅、 颂分类的依据是( )。 2.《诗经·氓》选自《诗经》的( )。 3.《楚辞》的主要作家是( )
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Part One: Early American Literature (1620-1770) Chapter 1: The Seventeenth Century Literature (also called the colonial literature) 1. American Puritanism: American Puritanism was one of the most enduring shaping influences in American thought and American literature. It has become, to some extent, so much a state of mind, rather than a set of tenets, so much a part of the national cultural atmosphere that the American breathes, that we may state with a degree of safety that, without some
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1. Summary: (全文) One of Hemingway's war and love stories, this novel takes place in Italy during World War I and is tied closely to the author's own experience as an American Ambulance Driver for the Italian Army. The story opens during a lull (暂停)in the action and the reader meets a group of men who work with the wounded during battle. In the course of waiting for action, the protagonist, Henry, meets and courts(求爱) an English nurse stationed in Italy
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The objectives of the course: 1. To help learners build up literary critical abilities by way of reading and appreciating the representative works in English literature; 2. To help learners enhance cultural cognitive abilities by way of introducing the background of literature, particularly the relationship between the literary creation and the social movements;
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一、诗歌的选择和诗人群体的构成 1、49年前已经成名的诗人们,如:艾青等; 2、40年代开始创作、来自解放区的诗人如:郭小川、贺敬之、闻捷等; 3、新中国成立后走上诗坛的青年诗人,如:李瑛、公刘、梁上泉等
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一、创作活动简介 1、处女作《青春万岁》 2、 成名作《组织部新来的青年人》 3、第 一阶段 :早期“革命+青春
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(一)贾平凹的个性特征 1.孤独内向的心理特征小传:“贾平凹三字其形、其音、其意,不规不则不伦不类,人如名,文如人,丑恶可见也。生于一九五二年二月二十一日,籍陕南商州
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第一节 新写实小说 刘震云等 第二节 文化道德小说 张承志等 第三节 女性写作 王安忆、陈染等
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第一节:概述 一、创作实绩 1、49~56年 通讯报告得到空前发展 2、57~65年 61年被称为“散文年” (1)抒情散文异常活跃
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【本章学习要求】 1、了解国统区和解放区诗歌的不同追求; 2、了解九叶诗派的美学追求; 3、重点掌握艾青诗歌的美学风貌
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