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一.实验目的 1.掌握MCS-51汇编语言程序设计和调试方法 2.掌握ME-5103在线仿真器的程序设计和调试方法; 3.熟悉用IBM-PC交叉汇编和调试软件BUG机器汇编及调试
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1.有“break”的动词短语 break down: a.(机器或车辆)出故障;坏掉e. the telephone system has broken down.电话系统瘫痪 了。b.失败e.g. . Negotiations between the two sides have broken down.双方谈判失败 了
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通过前面章节的学习,我们已经知道:日常生活中见到的机器,虽然千差万 别让人眼花缭乱,但他们无非是由联接件、传动件、轴系件等零件和一些机构组 成 (如作为交通工具:自行车、汽车、火车、飞机、轮船、坦克等 机床:车床、铣床、刨床、钻床、磨床、镗床和铰床等
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第三节过流部件的作用原理 过流部件(通流部件)=固定元件 叶轮与环境(机器或相邻级进、出 口)之间的连接,影响叶轮的工作,决 定了整机尺寸与重量
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Outline Path Planning in Partially Known Environments. Finding the Shortest Path to the Goal. Alternative Approaches to Path Planning in Partially Known Environments. Continuous Optimal Path Planning
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Probabilistic roadmaps Planning in the real world Planning amidst moving obstacles RRT-based planners Conclusions Applicability of Lazy PRM to Spheres
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Foundations of State Estimation PartⅡ Topics: Hidden Markov Models Particle Filters Additional reading: L. R. Rabiner, \ tutorial on hidden Markoy models,\ Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 77,. 257-286, 1989 Radford M. Neal, 1993. Probabilistic Inference Using Markov Chain Monte
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Temporal Planning in Space Brian C. Williams 16.412J/6.834J based on \Handling Time: February 23rd, 2004 Constraint-based Interval Planning,\ by David E. Smith Outline Operational Planning for the Mars Exploration Rovers
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Fault Aware Systems: Model-based Programming and Diagnosis Brian C. Williams 16.412J/6.834J March 8th, 2004 courtesy of JPL Four launches in 7 months MERS CSAIL
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Mapping Topics: Topological Maps SLAM HMMs Revisited Additional reading: B. J. Kuipers Y.-T. Byun. 1991. \A robot exploration and mapping strategy based on a semantic hierarchy of spatial rep rstations. jour. s and
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