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一、单项选择题(10×1=10) 1、经济法律关系的主体是() A、享有经济权利和承担经济义务当事人 B、主体权利和义务所指向的对象 C、主体享有的经济权利和承担的经济义务 D、经济法律事实 2、经济制裁的方式是() A、拘留B、罚金C、返还原物D、支付违约金 3、有限责任公司发行公司债券,要求公司净资产不得低于人民币()万元。 A、1000B、3000C、5000D、6000
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Monte Carlo Integration Hit and miss method:Algorithm: ( 1) generate N uniform random numbers, (i=1, 2,..., N), on(a,b) and N uniform random numbers, (i=1, 2,..., N), on (0,c); (2) calculate g() and count the number of cases, Nhit for whichg() (3)I can be estimated by
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Allylic 1-3-Strain as a Controlling Element in Stereoselective Transformations TSO(2C)4 R. W. Hoffmann, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 2000, 39, 2054-2070 CH2)lOTs Conformation Design of Open-Chain Compounds
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Dart Epoxides as Electrophiles Chem 206 Parker, R. E.; Isaacs, N. C. Chem. Rev. 1959, 59, 737-799. Rosowsky, A. In The Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds;
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ECRM的含义 1、E -Enterprise- 2、C--Customer 3、R--Relationship 4、m-- Management 5、ECRM:企业的客户关系管理
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第5套人教初中数学九上 22.1.4 二次函数y=ax2+bx+c的图象和性质(第1课时)课件3
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1、取{2m,3n|m≥1,n1}中由小到大排列的前70项数。 #include void main()
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第5套人教初中数学九上 22.1.4 二次函数y=ax2+bx+c的图象和性质(第2课时)课件3
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Chapter 7 Arrays 1 an index, or subscript, added. 2 One-dimensional Arrays 3 Two-dimensional Arrays 4 Character Arrays
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Chapter 8 Functions 1 Overview 2 Function Definition 3 The Return Statement 4 Arguments---Call By value 5 Function Invocation 6 Nested invocation and Recursion 7 Arrays as parameters 8 Storage classes of variables
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