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Uint IL. Basic Listening Practice 1. Script W: Did you see the paper today? There was an earthquake in brazil M: Yes, but it only measured 3. 5 on the Richter scale. I dont think there were any casualties
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Uint I. Basic listening practice 1. Script M: Amy, sit down, we need to talk. Your mother and i are going to separate W: What! Are you crazy? You cant do that! What will my friends say? I just want to have a normal family Q: What is the girl saying?
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Inti I. Basic listening practice 1. Script W: Ok. It's your turn to pay the bill. I paid last time M: What? You have a selective memory. You tried to pay last turn, but your credit card failed; so I ended up paying! It's definitely your turn Q: What is true according to the conversation? 2. Script
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Uints I. Basic listening practice 1. Script W: I bought a camera from your store. Here's my receipt. I know it's just warranty period, but the camera hasn't worked properly for some time, and now it's not focusing at all. M: We're sorry you've has problem with one of our cameras. I t seems that the camera has suffered some damage, but you've been a regular customer, and wed
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Ⅱ. Listening skills Understanding Times and dates w: Oh, look at the clock It's 5: 15. I'll be late for Jennifer's birthday party! I was supposed to leave at 5 o'clock M: Don't worry! You still have some time. The clock is twenty minutes fast Q What time is it now?
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Uint I. Basic listening practice 1. Script M: Now we have satellite and high-powered microscope, it s easy to think we know everything about the world; but we still dont understand EI Nino W: Right. Scientists all over the world over are even uncertain about the cause of the warm Pacific current that brings storms or drought-the mysterious EI Nino
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Flying there is not half the fun I. Basic listening Practice I Script M: would you prefer a window or an aisle seat, madam? W: Aisle, please. If there's none left, then a wind. w seat is Ok. But I don't like middle seats。 Q: what is the order of the womans preference? C: aisle-wingdow-minddle
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第三章钢筋混凝土框架结构 3.1框架结构体系及布置 多层及高层建筑的范围: (1)《高层建筑混凝土结构技术规程》(高规)JGJ3-2002J186-2002适用于10层及10层以上或高度超过28m的建筑; (2)多层及高层建筑的大致范围多层建筑:2-8(10)层; 高层建筑:)8(10)层;习惯上,对其中8(10)-18层的建筑又称为小高层建筑,18-40层的建筑称为高层建筑,>
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3.1.2 A general uniqueness theorem The key issue for uniqueness of solutions turns out to be the maximal slope of a=a(a) to guarantee uniqueness on time interval T=[to, t,, it is sufficient to require existence of a constant M such that
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第五章重叠、流水和向量处理机 1重叠方式 一.重叠解释方式 1.一条指令的几个过程段 (1)取指令:根据PC(指令计数器)从M(存储器) 取出指令送到IR(指令寄存器) (2)译码分析:译出指令的操作性质,准备好所需数据 (3)执行:将准备好的数按译出性质进行处理,主要涉及ALU(算术逻辑运算部件) 2.对指令执行的几种方式
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