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Grammar is the structural system of a language. The grammar of English is organized into five ranks: the sentence, the clause, the phrase, the word and the morpheme. Each rank is composed of one or more than one grammatical unit of the immediate lower unit. A full sentence can generally be segmented rank by rank down to its smallest constituents---the morphemes
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授業内容 1.甲状腺 2.上皮小体 細胞0名称分泌 3.副腎(皮質0層構造) 寸百ホルモ 4.下垂体 5.松果体(自学) 6.APUD系(理解)
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(一)GPS及其背景 它的全称是卫星授时测距导航系统/全球定位系统(NAVSTAR/gPs Navigation System timing And Ranging/Global Positioning SystemGPS是美国军方研制的第二代卫星导航系统
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Expedition and Expansion 1453年,奥斯曼土尔其攻陷君士坦丁堡,希腊学 者逃往西方,带去大批希腊文献,古典复兴由此 肇始。 13-15世纪,蒙古帝国兴起并征伐世界,保证跨 欧亚大陆交通安全。西方人一千年后再次进入东 方,繁盛东西方文化与经济交流;永久性改变种 族与宗教面貌; 西方人在上述事件刺激下,向地中海之外寻求去 东方和印度的航路
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一、心血管系统的发生 (一)原始心血管系统的建立 1、血岛和胚内、外毛细血管的发生 卵黄囊壁胚外中胚层→血岛(blood island) 周边细胞变扁→内皮→原始血管 中央游离细胞→造血干细胞
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3-1 Preface 3-2 Methods to Describe Fluid Motion 3-3 Basic Concepts of Fluid Motion 3-4 Continuity Equation 3-5 Motion Differential Equation of Ideal Fluid 3-6 Bernoulli Equation and Its Application 3-7 System and Control Volume 3-8 Momentum Equation 3-9 Moment of Momentum Equation
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ECNOMICS Openness of Different Economies, 1997
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(一)基本概念 1、体系与环境(System and surrounding): 体系:研究的对象;环境:与体系相关,影响所能及的部分 有无m,E交换:①开放; ②封闭; ③孤立(隔离)
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一、女性生殖系统 1 卵巢 2 子宫 3 输卵管
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Geometric Evaluation of z-Transforms and dT Frequency Responses First- and Second-Order Systems System Function Algebra and block diagrams Unilateral z-Transforms
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