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⚫类的继承与派生 ⚫类成员的访问控制 ⚫单继承与多继承 ⚫派生类的构造、析构函数 ⚫多级多继承中成员的标识与访问
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:1.38MB 文档页数:65
⚫ To distinguish simple GUI components (§11.2). ⚫ To describe the Java GUI API hierarchy (§11.3). ⚫ To create user interfaces using frames, panels, and simple UI components (§11.4). ⚫ To understand the role of layout managers (§11.5). ⚫ To use the FlowLayout, GridLayout, and BorderLayout managers to layout components in a container (§11.5). ⚫ To specify colors and fonts using the Color and Font classes (§11.6-11.7). ⚫ To use JPanel as subcontainers (§11.8). ⚫ To paint graphics using the paintComponentmethod on a panel (§11.9). ⚫ To draw strings, lines, rectangles, ovals, arcs, and polygons using the drawing methods in the Graphics class (§11.9). ⚫ To center display using the FontMetricsClass (§11.10). ⚫ To develop a reusable component MessagePanel to display a message on a panel (§11.11). ⚫ To develop a reusable component StillClock to emulate an analog clock (§11.12 Optional)
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⚫ To explain the concept of event-driven programming (§12.2). ⚫ To understand event, event source, and event classes (§12.2). ⚫ To declare listener classes and write the code to handle events (§11.3). ⚫ To register listener objects in the source object (§11.3). ⚫ To understand how an event is handled (§11.3). ⚫ To write programs to deal with ActionEvent (§11.3). ⚫ To write programs to deal with MouseEvent (§11.4). ⚫ To write programs to deal with KeyEvent (§11.5). ⚫ To use the Timer class to control animations (§11.6 Optional)
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⚫ 面向对象的思想 ⚫ OOP的基本特点 ⚫ 类概念和声明 ⚫ 对象 ⚫ 构造函数 ⚫ 析构函数 ⚫ 内联成员函数 ⚫ 拷贝构造函数 ⚫ 类的组合
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 完成本章内容之后我们将能够:  掌握与UI相关的API和组件  知道如何处理用户的输入  了解Series 60 和UIQ UI的相同和不同之处
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1. 计算机的组成与软件系统 2. C++程序设计语言简介 3. C++语言的基本构成 4. Visual C++集成开发环境 5. C++数据类型概述 6. 关于本课程
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1. 数据类型 2. 常量 3. 变量 4. 算术运算符和表达式 5. 赋值运算符和表达式 6. 关系运算符和表达式
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⚫ To explain how the Web browser controls and executes applets (§ 14.2). ⚫ To describe the init, start, stop, and destroy methods in the Applet class (§ 14.2). ⚫ To know how to embed applets in Web pages (§ 14.4). ⚫ To run applets from appletviewer and from Web browsers (§ 14.4). ⚫ To pass string values to applets from HTML (§ 14.5). ⚫ To write a Java program that can run as both an application and an applet (§ 14.6). ⚫ To get image files using the URL class and display images in the panel (§ 14.9 Optional). ⚫ To develop a reusable component ImageViewer to display images (§ 14.10 Optional). ⚫ To get audio files and play sound (§ 14.12 Optional). ⚫ To package and deploy Java projects using Java archive files (§ 14.13 Optional). ⚫ To use Swing pluggable look-and-feel (§ 14.14 Optional)
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⚫ To know what is exception and what is exception handling (§15.2). ⚫ To distinguish exception types: Error (fatal) vs. Exception (non￾fatal), and checked vs. uncheck exceptions (§15.2). ⚫ To declare exceptions in the method header (§15.3). ⚫ To throw exceptions out of a method (§15.3). ⚫ To write a try-catch block to handle exceptions (§15.3). ⚫ To explain how an exception is propagated (§15.3). ⚫ To rethrow exceptions in a try-catch block (§15.4). ⚫ To use the finally clause in a try-catch block (§15.5). ⚫ To know when to use exceptions (§15.6). ⚫ To declare custom exception classes (§15.7 Optional). ⚫ To apply assertions to help ensure program correctness (§15.8)
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To discover file properties, delete and rename files using the File class (§16.2). To understand how I/O is processed in Java (§16.3). To distinguish between text I/O and binary I/O (§16.3). To read and write characters using FileReader and FileWriter (§16.4). To improve the performance of text I/O using BufferedReader and BufferedWriter (§16.4). To write primitive values, strings, and objects as text using PrintWriter and PrintStream(§16.4). To read and write bytes using FileInputStreamand FileOutputStream (§16.6). To read and write primitive values and strings using DataInputStream/DataOutputStream(§16.6). To store and restore objects using ObjectOutputStreamand ObjectInputStream, and to understand how objects are serialized and what kind of objects can be serialized (§16.9 Optional). To use the Serializable interface to enable objects to be serializable (§16.9 Optional). To use RandomAccessFile for both read and write. (§16.10 Optional)
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