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一、空间点的直角坐标 1.三根坐标轴:x轴(横轴),y轴(纵轴),z轴(竖轴) 交于原点,且互相垂直。 2.三个坐标面:xoy面xoz面yoz 3.八个卦限
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本节必须掌握哪些内容? 一、曲面是动点在空间的几何规迹。曲面与三元方程F(x,y,z)=0—一对应。 讨论两类问题:
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An LtI discrete-time- system is completely characterized in the time-domain by its impulse response {h[n]} We consider now the use of the DTFT and the z-transform in developing the transform- domain representations of an Lti system Copyright 2001, S. K. Mitra
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Transform-Domain Representation of Discrete-Time Signals Three useful representations of discrete-time sequences in the transform domain: Discrete-time- Fourier Transform(DTFT) YDiscrete Fourier Transform(DFT) z- -Transform
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Testing with Rank Sum Z Test for Differences in Two Proportions (Independent Samples) x2Test for Differences in Two Proportions (Independent Samples) x2Test for Differences in c Proportions (Independent Samples) x2Test of Independence
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第一节 引 言 ( Introduction) 第二节 先 导 化 合 物 的 产 生 ( L e a d d i s c o v e r y ) 第三节 先 导 物 的 优 化 ( L e a d O p t i m i z a t i o n )
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晶体的自由能函数:F(T,卩),根据P=-()x可以得到晶格的状态方程。 rF=-kThZ,Z=∑e--配分函数,对所有晶格的能级相加。 能级包含原子处于格点平衡位置时的平衡晶格能量U(V)和各格波的振动能∑(n+加
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1.复变函数 导数、可导性、柯西黎曼方程 2.复变函数的积分 柯西定理∮f(z)dz=0
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Handout 7: Lag and PI compensation Eric Feron Lag Compensation goals: Raise gain at low frequencies while leaving rossover &z higher frequencies untouched b≥0. When b=0: Add an integrator in the loop Typical lag Bode Plot
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如上节所讲,采样会破坏系统的稳定性,所 以在设计采样系统时最先考虑的是稳定性。 对采样系统稳定性分析主要建立在Z变换的 基础上
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