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Equilibrium price. Equilibrium allocation: x=xi(p,p·w2), Note: A p* for any >0 is also an equilibrium price. Offer curve: (p)(p, p. w;). The equilibrium is the intersection point of the offer curves. Excess demand function:
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This formula applies to any type of firms in the output market 1. Competitive Output Market Competitive industry: Many firms: Firms are independent of each other in decision making Identical product: Each firm faces a horizontal demand curve at the market price Free entry: Zero profit in the long run A competitive firm takes the market price as given. For a given market price p
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一、会计的产生与发展般了解 会计是为适应社会生产实践和经济管理的 客观需要而产生的,并随着生产的发展而发展。 剩余产品的出现是会计产生的前提条 件,它使会计从生产职能中分离出来,成 为一种专门职能
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一、城市生态管理的含义 依据生态学原理,运用政策、法规、经济、技术、行政、教育等手段。对城市生态环境各种生态关系进行调节控制,对城市生态环境系统的结构、功能及协调进行管理和调控,协调城市中人类社会经济活动与环境的关系,限制或制止损害环境的行为
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玉米丝黑穗病是玉米产区的重要穗部病害,国内外的玉米产区几乎均有发生。1919年 中国东北首次报道,现已遍及全国,尤其以东北、西北、华北和南方冷凉山区的连作玉米田 块发病较重,发病率一般在2%8%之间,个别重病地块发病率高达60%70%以上,造成严重 的经济损失
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桃、杏、李褐腐病 Stone fruits brown rot 褐腐病又名菌核病、果腐病、实腐病等。1796年最早记载,是一种世界性分布的病害。 可寄生在桃、杏、李、樱桃、梅等核果类果树上,引起果腐、花腐和叶枯。我国从南到北各 桃、杏、李产区均有发生。在核果类果树中以桃受害较重,江淮流域,江苏、浙江和山东每 年都有发生,北方桃园则多在多雨年份发生流行。褐腐病在春季开花展叶期如遇低温多雨, 引起严重的花腐和叶枯:在生长后期如遇多雨潮湿天气,引起果腐,使果实丧失经济价值 除在果园发生外,在运输
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Why study econometrics? Rare in economics(and many other areas without labs! ) to have experimental data Need to use nonexperimental. or observational data to make inferences eImportant to be able to apply economic theory to real world data Economics 20- Prof. Anderson
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Parallels with Simple regression Bo is still the intercept B, to Bk all called slope parameters u is still the error term(or disturbance) Still need to make a zero conditional mean assumption, so now assume that E(lx,x2…,x)=0 Still minimizing the sum of squared residuals. so have k+l first order conditions Economics 20- Prof anderson
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Consistency e Under the Gauss-Markov assumptionS OLS IS BLUE, but in other cases it wont always be possible to find unbiased estimators o In those cases, we may settle for estimators that are consistent, meaning as n→>∞,the distribution of the estimator collapses to the parameter value Economics 20- Prof anderson
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Dummy variables a dummy variable is a variable that takes on the value l or o Examples: male(= 1 if are male, O otherwise), south(=l if in the south, 0 otherwise), etc dummy variables are also called binar variables. for obvious reasons Economics 20- Prof anderson
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