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• 节理分类 • 雁列节理 • 节理的岩脉充填机制和压溶作用 • 区域性节理
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:942KB 文档页数:24
沉积岩(sedimentary rock) 成因:地表岩石破坏搬远沉积 硬结成岩 ·物质组成: 岩石碎屑 粘土矿物 化学沉积矿物 有机质及生物残骸
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岩浆及其活动方式 火山活动 岩浆的侵入作用
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构造运动的概念及类型 岩石的变形和变位 构造运动的表现
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元素 矿物 岩石
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Draw a diagrammatic cross section of the eastern side of ridge 3 in the box below
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What is a flower structure? Draw an example of a flower structure in the box below
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1. Remember that there is a lab exam today. a. Have you studied? b. Did you remember to bring all of your old labs and lab supplies?
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Compare and contrast a classic Gulf Coast growth fault with a large-scale extensional fault(Western US). How are they similar? .. different?
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