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一、实验目的 1.学习、掌握油镜的使用; 2.学习、掌握细菌涂片染色; 3.学习、掌握细菌的革兰氏染色; 4.建立\无菌操作的概念,学习其技术
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Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Genetic engineering: Isolation manipulation and expression of genetic materials. Gene cloning: Isolation and purification of specific genes In vitro recombination=recombinant DNA
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Chapter 7 Regulation of Gene Expression Regulation of Enzyme Activity Constitutive enzymes -Enzymes induced by specific circumstances Two major modes of regulation in the cell Control the activity of preexisting enzymes Control the amount of an enzyme
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Eukarva: Eukaryotic Microorganisms Algae: Phototrophic eukaryotic microorganisms Fungi: Nonphotosynthetic eukaryotic microorganisms that contain rigid cell walls Slime molds: nonphototrophic eukaryotic microorganisms that lack cell walls and that aggregate to form fruiting structures (cellular slime molds) or masses of protoplasm (acellular slime
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Wonder of the Genetic Engineering Expression of luciferase gene in a plant
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Biodegradation of xenobiotics H DDT: dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (an organochlorine) -SCHCOOC H Xenobiotics are chemically CHO CH22COOC2H Malathion; mercaptosuccinic acid diethyl ester synthesized compounds that (an organophosphate) have never been existed
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Chapter 17 Microbial Ecology 2 Methane and methanogenesis Rumen microbial ecology Biogeochemical cycles: nitrogen Biogeochemical cycles: sulfur Biogeochemical cycles: iron Microbial leaching Biogeochemical cycles: trace metals and mercury
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清华大学:《分子生物学》课程PPT教学课件(基因ene)第二十九章 梯度、级联和发信号的途径(Gradients, cascades, and signaling pathways)
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清华大学:《分子生物学》课程PPT教学课件(基因ene)第二十八章 致癌基因和癌症(Oncogenes and cancer)
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清华大学:《分子生物学》课程PPT教学课件(基因ene)第二十七章 细胞循环和生长调控(Cell cycle and growth regulation)
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