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The agency problem that arises from the separation of ownership and control (Berle and Means, 1932)has been a major focus of the literature on corporate finance and the theory of the firm over the last twenty years. Various insti- tutional arrangements exist to deal with this agency problem and one that has attracted a lot of attention is the market for corporate control. Manne
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Bayesian Learning in Social Networks Douglas Gale(Corresponding Author) Department of Economics. New York University
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Franklin Allen and Douglas gale Topic 1: What is Corporate Finance? Readings A Ph. D. textbook that provides basic coverage of some of the main topics is J. A. de Matos. Theoretical Foundations of Corporate Finance, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2002) There are many MBa textbooks. A very good one is R.A. Brealey and S.C. Myers, Principles of Corporate Finance, 7th edition(New York
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Capital Structure The Modigliani and Miller capital structure and payout policy theorems were the result of the practical questions\How should a firm choose its capital structure\. The theory that we covered last time clarified the nature of the modigliani and miller result
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第七章社会的本质和结构 第一节社会的物质基础和实践本质 第二节社会的经济结构 第三节社会的政治结构 第四节社会的观念结构
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猪饲养管理指南 优良的种猪是现代化和高效养猪生产的前提和核心,没有好的品种,再好的管理、 再好的环境条件、再好的饲料也不能养好猪,取得最佳的经济效益,因此养猪生产者必须 深刻认识到良种是提高养猪生产性能和效益的基础,必须按生长快、肉质好、瘦肉多、耗 料省、产仔率高、抗逆性强的原则来选择品种
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一、增值税税收筹划空间 1.纳税人 2.征税范围 3.税率 4.计税依据
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一、个人所得税纳税人的税收筹划 1.纳税人的法律界定 居民纳税义务人:住所、居住时间 负无限纳税义务 非居民纳税义务人
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第一节 市场结构及其分类 第二节 完全竞争市场中企业的决策 第三节 完全垄断市场中企业的决策 第四节 垄断竞争市场中企业的决策 第五节 寡头垄断市场中企业的决策
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价格除反映商品的价值功能之外,还有其他什么功能? 为什么在现实中绝大部分企业并没有采用边际分析定价法?
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