Three Ways to Describe Crystal Structures Three Structural sketches of P4O10 molecules: (a)Stick-ball model:showing that the P-O chemical bond is the tetrahedral coordination and sp3 covalent bonds
Characteristic of Superconductors Applications Important Superconductors What Is a Superconductor? A superconductor is an element, intermetallic alloy, or compound that will conduct electricity without resistance below a certain temperature
1.了解 d 区元素的通性,即 d 电子化学的特征; 2.掌握钛单质、TiO2、TiCl4 的性质和制备,钛合金的应用; 3.掌握铬单质的特性与制备,三价铬与六价铬的转变; 4.了解钼和钨的简单化合物及同多酸、杂多酸的概念; 5.掌握从软锰矿制备单质锰,锰的变价及其氧化性; 6.了解铁、钴、镍氧化还原性变化规律,掌握其氧化物和氢氧化物性质; 7.掌握铜单质及其常见化合物,着重了解其歧化反应; 8.了解锌、镉、汞的单质及重要化合物。 15.1 通性 Ageneral survey 15.10 过渡元素与CO形成的化合物 Compounds of transitional metal with CO 15.2 钛 Titanium 15.3 铬 Chromium 15.4 钼和钨 Molybdnum and tungsten 15.5 锰 Manganese 15.6 铁、钴、镍 Iron, cobalt and nickel 15.7 铜 Copper 15.8 贵金属元素的不活泼性和催化性能 Non-active and catalytical properties for the noble elements 15.9 锌、镉、汞Zinc, cadmium and mercury