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波动是振动的传播过程。 机械波:机械振动在介质中的传播过程。 电磁波:变化的电场和变化的磁场在空间的传播过程。 一、机械波产生的条件 ①波源产生机械振动的振源 ②弹性介质传播机械振动的介质
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不论何种方式只要能使穿过闭 合回路的磁通量发生变化,此闭 合回路内就会有感应电动势出现。 引起磁通量变化的原因是多种多样 的,必须依据情况作具体分析
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1、第一定律(惯性定律) 1686年,牛顿在他的名著《自然哲学的数学原理》 书中写道: 任何物体都保持静止或匀速直线运动的状态,直到受 到力的作用迫使它改变这种状态为止
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§10.1 法拉第电磁感应定律 §10.3 感生电动势和感生电场 §10.5 自感 §10.2 动生电动势 §10.4 互感 §10.6 磁场的能量 §10.7 超导的电磁特性
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3.1静电场的保守性 3.2电势差和电势 3.3电势叠加原理 3.4电势梯度 3.5电荷在外场中的静电势能 3.6电荷系的静电能 3.7静电场的能量
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19-1 Properties of Sound waves 19-2 Traveling sound waves 19-4 Power and intensity of sound waves 19-3* The speed of sound 19-5 Interference of sound waves 19-6* Standing longitudinal waves 19-7* Vibrating system and sources of sound 19-8 Beats 19-9 The Doppler effect
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18-1 Mechanical waves 18-2 Types of waves 18-3 Traveling waves(行波) 18-4 Wave velocity (speed) 18-6 Energy in wave motion 18-7 The principle of superposition 18-8 Interference(干涉) of waves 18-9 Standing waves 18-10 Standing waves and Resonance
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Sec. 5-1 Force Laws Sec. 5-2 Tension and normal forces Sec. 5-3 Friction forces Sec. 5-4 The dynamics of uniform circular motion Sec. 5-5 Time-dependent force Sec. 5-6 Noninertial frames and pseudoforces Sec. 5-7 Limitations of Newton’s law
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24-1 Two kinds of processes and entropy 24-2 Entropy change for reversible processes 24-3 Entropy change for irreversible processes 24-4 The second law of thermodynamics 24-5 Entropy and the performance of engines 24-6 Entropy and the performance of refrigerators 24-8 The second law revisited 24-9 A statistical view of entropy
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6.1电流和电流密度 6.2恒定电流和恒定电场 6.3欧姆定律的微分形式 6.4电动势 6.5有电动势的电路 6.6电容的充电和放电 6.7电流的一种经典图象
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