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Idea Develops the concept of chemical potential and shows how it can be used to account for the equilibrium composition of chemical reaction Equilibrium co
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热力学定律— Helmholtz and Gibbs energies Consider a system in thermal equilibrium with surroundings, at temp. T For change in the system with transfer of heat, the Clausius inequality is
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1 理想气体状态方程 perfect gas equation pV= constant×nT=nRT
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The rate theory of unimolecular reaction 单分子反应速率理论 Mechanism of Complex reactions 复杂反应
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Theories of elementary reaction Simple Collision theory (SCT) for bimolecular reactions Transition state theory (TST) for bimolecular reactions
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1.定义 2.发展 3.组成及分类 4.包合原理 5.包合材料
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电子资源总揽 1.中文网络数据库 2.外文网络数据库 3.纸本期刊电子版
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§2.5冲激响应和阶跃响应 §2. 8用算子符号表示微分方程
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企业财务报表分析 一、利润表及利润分配表的分析 二、资产负债表的分析 三、现金流量表的分析 四、三大报标之间的勾稽关系
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