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绪论 第一节植物与植物界 植物的多样性 1.种类多样性。在自然界中,现在已知道的植物种类多达五十余万种。包括:藻类,菌类 地衣,苔藓,蕨类,和种子植物。它们的大小,形态结构和生活方式各不相同,共同组成复杂的植物界。也使人类社会生活更加多姿多彩。 2.植物在地球上分布的多样性。热带——寒带,海洋—陆地,平原—高山。其分布极 广,从平原,冰雪封闭的高山,严寒两极地带,炎热的赤道区域,江河湖海的水面合深处,千里的 沙漠和荒原,都有植物生活。几乎可以说自然界处处都有着植物
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1.种类多样性。在自然界中,现在已知道的植物种类多达五十余万种。包括:藻类,菌类 地衣,苔藓,蕨类,和种子植物。它们的大小,形态结构和生活方式各不相同,共同组成复杂的植 物界。也使人类社会生活更加多姿多彩 2.植物在地球上分布的多样性。热带——寒带,海洋—陆地,平原—高山。其分布极 广,从平原,冰雪封闭的高山,严寒两极地带,炎热的赤道区域,江河湖海的水面合深处,千里的 沙漠和荒原,都有植物生活
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第二章环境污染防治法 第一节环境污染防治法概述 第二节大气污染防治法 第三节水污染防治法 第四节海洋污染防治法 第五节噪声污染防治法 第六节固体废物防治法 第七节放射性污染防治法 第八节危险物品防治法
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第一章绪论 一、什么是地史学(Historical Geology)地史学也称历史地质学,是研究地球地质历史及其发展规律的科学,具体包括地球(岩 石圈、水圈、气圈、生物圈)的形成,古地理 的变迁、板块的离合及地球的不同圈层(包括 宇宙圈)间的相互作用等。在空间上所涉及的 范围已经扩大到了全球大陆,海洋和深部岩石 圈,在时间上已经追溯了40亿年左右。 地史学是一门历史性均很强的学科
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Structural design After having established the principal dimensions form, and general arrangement of the ship, the designer undertakes the problem of providing a structure capable of withstanding the forces which may be imposed upon it The hull of steel merchant ship is a complex structure, unique in the field of engineering structures in that it is primarily plate structure
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The wooden ship was constructed on a building berth, around which timbers ad planking were cut and shaped, and then fitted together on the berth to form the hull. A similar practice was followed with iron vessels and, later, with the earlier was followed with the earlier
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The lines plan;fairing A lines plan, usually 1/48 lifesize scale drawing of a ship, is used by designers to calculate required hydrostatic, stability, and capacity conditions. Full-scale drawings formerly were obtained from the lines plan by redrawing it full size and preparing a platform of boards called a \scrive board\showing the length and shape of all frames and beams. Wood tem plates were then
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Taking a brand new ship to sea for the first time is naturally quite an event after so many months of preparation and hard work, and the prevailing spirit is one of cheerful optimism, especially if the hopes of good weather have materialized. As soon as the trials party is assembled on board, the pilot, who has probably been waiting in the wheelhouse for some time, orders the gangway
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