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Group is two or more individuals interacting with each other to accomplish a common goal. Team is a mature groups with a degree of member interdependence and motivation to achieve a common goal. McGraw-Hill/rwin
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Vroom-Jago Leadership Model Based on the Vroom-Yetton Model Normative model or set guidelines Situations determine appropriateness of degrees of participative decision-making No one single leadership style was appropriate Leader needs to be flexible to change styles to fit specific situations
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Managing Organizational Change Change is an inevitable, pervasive, persistent, and permanent condition for all organizations Organizations' futures depend on their ability to master change Effective managers must view managing planned
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Organizational Structure and Design Manager Subordinate Subordinate Subordinate Organizational Design Purposeful and goal-oriented process Decisions/actions to predetermine the way employees do their work Organizational structure Relatively stable relationships and processes of the organization
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Types of Decisions Programmed Nonprogrammed Repetitive and routine Novel and unstructured decisions and where a decisions required for definitive procedure is unique and complex developed to handle them management problems. McGraw-HillInwin
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Communication Defined The transmission of information and understanding through the use of common symbols from one person to another Common symbols may be
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第一章 绪论 第二章 回应全球化与文化的多元化 第三章 组织中的个体差异
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一、消费者购买行为的模式 二、影响消费者行为的因素 三、消费者购买的决策过程
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一、市场细分 二、目标市场选择策略 三、目标市场定位
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一、市场营销信息系统 二、市场调查 三、市场预测
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