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al Identity ll Problem of synchronic identity for persons: under what conditions are two simultaneous person-events events in the life of the same person? Problem of diachronic identity for persons under what conditions are two person-stages stages in the life of a single person. In particular, what makes a particular person-stage a continuation of me as I am right now? Background desiderata: an account of personal identity should allow for the possibility of anticipation and memory, i.e., of individual psychological connections between different person stages. It should also allow us to justify our practices of
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October 22, 2001 Personal IdentityⅢ . Review soul criterion and body criterion Soul criterion: x is the same person as y iff and y have the same soul. Problems: i)There is no way to establish body-soul correlations; and no way to establish personality correlations. So soul criterion doesn't make sense of our practices of recognizing and identifying people ii)We have no special access to souls, so even in our own case we can't be sure it's the same soul \inside\ us whenever we are conscious. ii) The problem of identity is \pushed back\: what is it for person-stage x to have the same soul as person-stage y? What makes for sameness of souls? Body criterion: x is the same person as y iff x and y have the same living human body
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– 代数项和它们在多类别代数中的解释 – 等式规范(也叫代数规范)和等式证明系统 – 等式证明系统的可靠性和完备性(公理语义和指称语义的等价) – 代数之间的同态关系和初始代数 – 数据类型的代数理论 – 从代数规范导出的重写规则(操作语义)
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ral questions that might arise concerning personal identity. When we ask\Who am I? we might be being we are, what our possiblities are, under what conditions\I\would continue to exist. We'll begin our discussionon n wonder what\makes us tick\, what we ultimately value, what matters to us. We might also be asking what sort personal identity with the latter set of questions Consider a parallel set of questions (Id) Under what conditions are baseball-events events in the same game? E. g, under what conditions are a
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Evidentialism(Clifford): \It is wrong abways, everywhere, and for anyone, to believe anything upon insufficient evidence\ (p.113) Pragmatism(James): Faced with a genuine choice about what to believe, and where evidence does not decide the matter, we are free to decide it however we want. Oour passional nature not only lawfully may, but must, decide an option between propositions, whenever it is a genuine option that cannot by its nature be decided on intellectual grounds. (127) In the relevant cases, we are not
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指针变量可以指向数组元素,所谓数 组元素的指针就是数组元素的地址。 引用数组元素可以用下标法来表示 (例如:aray[10]),也可以用指针法, 即通过指向数组元素的指针找到所需要 的元素
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学习内容 一、 MATLAB概述 MATLAB的数值运算、符号运算 三、 MATLAB的二维、三维绘图 四、图形化仿真程序设计 五、 MATLABI工具箱与跨平台接口 六、 MATLAB6简介 七、 MATLAB程序设计
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第一章 绪论 第二章 数据类型、运算符与表达式 第三章 逻辑运算和判定结构 第四章 循环控制结构 第五章 数组 第六章 函数 第七章 指针 第八章 结构与其它数据类型 第九章 预处理程序 第十章 位运算 第十一章 输入输出与文件操作
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第六讲数组 前言:变量与循环(输入五个数,计算其平均值) 一、一维数组 1、什么是数组? 2、数组的特点。 3、数组的声明? 4、声明时的注意事项。 5、数组的初始化。(有4种方法) 6、数组的引用。(下标与索引) 二、二维数组 1、什么是二维数组。 2、二维数组的声明。 3、二维数组的初始化。 4、二维数组的引用 5、二维数组的举例
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目标 1、定义结构体 2、声明结构体变量 3、解释如何初始化结构体 4、解释如何将结构体作为参数传递给函数 5、使用结构体数组 6、解释结构体数组的初始化 7、解释 typedef关键字 8、解释如何使用插入排序法和冒泡排序法对数组进行排序
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