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一、填空题: 1、碳的质量分数大于2.11%的铁碳合金称之为铸铁,通常还含有较多的Si、Mn、S、P等元素。 2、优质碳素结构钢的钢号是以碳的平均万分数来表示的
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背景 各核电站国家都高度重视核电站安全的审查 和监督。 各国的核管理当局和国际原子能机构(IAEA )以及世界核营运者协会(WANO)建立了 常规和专门的安全审查制度。 各类审查一般不是综合性的,且较少考虑安 全标准和运行实践的改善、核电厂老化的累 积效应、运行经验反馈以及科学技术的发展
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HRA面临的一大难题一 数据匮乏且可用性不良 人因数据采集极度困难,致使HRA长 期缺乏较充分的可用数据 现有主要人因数据库 人员可靠性分析手册, NUCLARR, 英国CORE-DATA 三方面问题
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Lecture D32: Damped Free Vibration Spring-Dashpot-Mass System k Spring Force Fs =-kx, k>0 Dashpot Fd =-cx, c>0 Newton's Second Law (mx =EF) mx +cx+kx (Define)Natural Frequency wn=k/m,and
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Lecture D33: Forced Vibration Fosinwt m Spring Force Fs =-kx, k>0 Dashpot Fd =-ci, c>0 Forcing Fext Fo sin wt Newton's Second Law (mix =CF) mx+cx+kx= Fo sin wt =k/m,=c/(2mwn)
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1几项重要基本概念 人因可靠性:人对于系统的可靠性所必须完成的活 动的成功概率。 人的可靠性,人为可靠性,人员可靠性 人因失误(《(humancrror)《):人未能精确地、恰当地、 充分地、可接受地完成所规定的绩效 标准范围内的任务
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– 1、掌握设备有形、无形损耗的类型及其对设备价值的影响; – 2、掌握设备折旧的含义、折旧方法与计算; – 3、掌握设备经济寿命概念及其计算; – 4、掌握存在新设备的设备更新原则及方法; – 5、掌握存在税收影响的设备租赁与购买比较决策
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(1)了解物化处理的主要方法,掌握粗大颗粒去除的原理,掌握悬浮物质和胶体物质去除的基本原理和常用方法; (2)了解溶解物质的处理方法,掌握几种重要方法的去除机理,掌握消毒原理,熟悉常用的几种消毒方法; (3)了解水的其他物理化学处理方法
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When the only force acting on a particle is always directed to- wards a fixed point, the motion is called central force motion. This type of motion is particularly relevant when studying the orbital movement of planets and satellites. The laws which gov- ern this motion were first postulated by Kepler and deduced from observation. In this lecture, we will see that these laws are a con- sequence of Newton's second law. An understanding of central
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In this lecture, we consider the problem of a body in which the mass of the body changes during the motion, that is, m is a function of t, i.e. m(t). Although there are many cases for which this particular model is applicable, one of obvious importance to us are rockets. We shall see that a significant fraction of the mass of a rocket is the fuel, which is expelled during flight at a high velocity and thus, provides the propulsive force for the rocket
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