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Basic Concepts and Syntaxes ‘Inline’s and ‘Static’s Const and Mutable Construction and Destruction Operators Overloading
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中国科技大学计算机系:《黑客反向工程》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)防黑客技术简介(基本的”防”黑客技术 Basic Hacker Technique)
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3.1编程基础 3.2数据类型 3.3 变量与常量 3.4 运算符和表达式 3.5 内部函数 3.6 基本语句 3.7数组
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→库存及其重要性 →有效库存管理系统 →Basic Economic Order Quantity(EOQ)Model 基本经济订货批量模型(EOQ) →Economic Production Quantity(EPQ)Model 经济生产批量模型(EPQ) →Quantity Discount Model数量折扣模型 Safety Stock and Service Level安全库存与服务水平
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⚫ Combinatorics (组合) ⚫ Basic Counting Techniques ⚫ Recurrence Relations ⚫ Binomial Coefficients ⚫ Number Theory ⚫ Prime Number ⚫ Congruences ⚫ Fermat’s Theorem ⚫ Euler’s Theorem
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• Fundamentals of Semiconductors • Diodes • MOSFETs • Bipolar Junction Transistors • Semiconductor Circuits
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§7.2 Selection of Filter Type §7.3 Digital Filter Design: Basic Approaches §7.4 IIR Digital Filter Design: Bilinear Transformation Method §7.5 Low pass FIR filter design §7.6 Fixed Window Functions §7.7 Design Steps for Windowed Low Pass FIR Filters
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1. 中国历史上大移民的基本情况 Basic Situation of Major Migrations in Chinese History 2. 移民对中国地理文化变迁的影响 Influence of Migration Chinese Geographical and Cultural Change 3. 移民对汉语方言的影响 Influences on Chinese Dialects 4. 海外华侨和中华文化 Overseas Chinese and Chinese Culture
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教学要求: 1.熟悉镧系元素的电子结构、名称,镧系收缩概念及其产生的原因和影响; 2.了解镧系元素的存在,制备及用途; 3.重点掌握镧系元素氧化物,氢氧化物的性质; 4.了解镧系元素的分离方法,特别注意溶剂萃取法及离子交换法的原理; 5. 简单了解锕系元素电子结构、名称及与镧系元素的相似性。 18.1 镧系元素 Lanthanides 18.1.1 基本性质概述 Generality of basic properties 18.1.2 重要化合物 Important compounds 18.1.3 镧系元素的相互分离 Interseparation lanthanides 18.1.4 存在、提取和应用 Occurrence, abstraction and applications 18.2 锕系元素简介 Introduction of actinides
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1 Definition of Statistical Learning 2 Application Case of Statistical Pattern Recognition 3 SPR System Framework and Design Cycle 4 Basic Concepts 5 Machine Learning in Different AI Disciplines
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