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复旦大学:《计算机网络 Computer Networking》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)Network Standards Layered Architectures
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复旦大学:《计算机网络 Computer Networking》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)Case Study:Pat Lee’s Home PC Network
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《电子商务 E-business》阅读文献:Design of a Social Network Based Recommender System
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《电子商务 E-business》阅读文献:A Recommender System based on the Immune Network
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《高级Web技术》参考资料:1-webapp outline_Planetary-Scale Views on a Large Instant-Messaging Network
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《高级Web技术》参考资料:Architectural Styles and the design of Network-based Software Achitectures
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The immune system is a network of interacting cellular and soluble components. Its function is to distinguish entities within the body as \self\ or \nonself\ and to eliminate those that are nonself
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Definition. A flow network is a directed graph G = (V, E) with two distinguished vertices: a source s and a sink t. Each edge (u, v) ∈ E has a nonnegative capacity c(u, v). If (u, v) ∉ E, then c(u, v) = 0
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一、资源分配问题(resource-allocation,) 二、成本收益平衡问题(cost-benefit-trade-off,) 三、 网络配送问题(distribution-network,=) 四、混合问题(mixed Problem)-两种或三种类型的混合
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§1.1 图的基本概念 §1.2 最短路问题 §1.3 树及其性质 §1.4 生成树与最小生成树 §1.5 图的中心与重心 §1.6 图的矩阵表示
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