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一、选择题(共1题5分) 1.5分(9025)90251mol范德华气体从T1,V1绝热自由膨胀至T2,V2设定容热容C为常数则过程的熵变应为:() (a)△S=nn(T2/T) (B)=nRIn[(V2-b)(V1-b)] (C)=(T2/T )+nRIn[(V/2-b)/(V1-b)] (D)△S=0
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I.Choose the Correct Answer 1. A disturbance can be written x b xt b t a y(x,t) (e e e ) 2 2 −( / ) 2 / − = . This disturbance is ( D ) (A) Not a traveling wave. (B) A traveling wave with speed v = a. (C) A traveling wave with speed v = a/b. (D) A traveling wave with speed v = b
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一、选择题 (1)C) (2)A) (3)B) (4)B) (5)A) (6)D) (7)B) (8)C) (9)D) (10)C) (11)D) (12)A) (13)B) (14)C) (15)B) (16)D) (17)C) (18)A) (19)C) (20)A)
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一、选择题 A型题 1.a2.e3.d4.c5.d6.b7.8.d9.c10.e11.a 12.e13.a14.c15.b16.a17.d18.e19.d20.c21.c22.c 23.c24.b25.b26.c27.a2
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1.设A=(-∞,-5)(5,+∞),B=[-10,3),写出AB,AB,AB及 A(AB)的表达式 2.设A、B是任意两个集合,证明对偶律:(AB)C=ACUB 3.设映射f:X→Y,AcX,BCX.证明 (1)(AB)=()(B); (2)f(b)f()f(B)
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8-2同余式 8.2.1有理整数环中的同余的定义 定义8.5设m是一个正整数,若a,b∈Z,且ba∈(m),亦即m(b-a),则 称b与a模m同余,记作b=a(modm)。不难得到,b与a模m同余就是它们用m做带 余除法所得的余数相同。整数模m同余为一等价关系,验证如下:
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一、单项选择题(每小题3分,共30分) 1.y-2y+y=(x+1)ex的特解形式可设为(A) ()x2(ax+b)e*; (B)x(ax+b)*: ()(ax+b): (D)(ax+b)x2
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定理假设函数x)在区间[a,b]上连续,函数x=()满 足条件:(1)o(a)=a,以B)=b;(2)∞(1)在[a,(或B,a)上具 有连续导数,且其值域不越出[a,b],则有
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1. 根据算符∇ 的微分性与矢量性 推导下列公式 A B B A B A A B A B r r r r r r r r r r ∇( ⋅ ) = × (∇ × ) + ( ⋅∇) + × (∇ × ) + ( ⋅∇) A A A A A r r r r r ( ) 2
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Inertial reference frames In the previous lecture, we derived an expression that related the accelerations observed using two reference frames, A and B, which are in relative motion with respect to each other. aA =aB+(aA/ B)'y'' 22 x (DA/ B) 'y'2'+ TA/B+ X TA/B). (1) Here, aA is the acceleration of particle A observed by one observer, and
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