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一、英译中(Translate) 1.plasmodesma 2.co-transport 3. pressure flow theory 4. cytoplasmic pumping theory 5. microfibril 6. receiver cell
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一、英译中(或写出符号的中文名称) 1、 jasmonic acid,J 2、salicylic,sa 3, chlorocholine chloride, CCC 4、 paclobutrazol P33
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概述 定义—指醌类或容易转变为具有醌类性质的化合物,以及在生物合成方 面与醌类有密切联系的化合物。 分布—由于醌类具有不饱和酮结构,当其分子中连接助色团后(OH Me等)多有颜色,故常作为动植物、微生物的色素而存在于自然界中。 应用——除有抗菌抗癌等生理活性而用于药品外,还应用于染料和指示剂的母体
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1. Differences between prokaryotes/eukaryotes 2. Shape and arrangement 3. Procaryoic cell organization
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Microbial growth Conditions 1. Macronutrients 2. Micronutrients 3. Growth factors 4. Environmental factors: temperature; pH; Oxygen et al Nutrient requirements Microorganisms require a bout ten elements in large quantities, bec
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Effect of environmental factors on growth Water availability, pH, temperature, oxygen concentration, pressure, radiation, and a number of other environmental factors influence microbial growth. Yet many microorganisms, and particularly bacteria, have managed to adapt and flourish under environmental extremes that would destroy most organisms
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一、叶的生理功能与经济利用 主要生理功能 1、光合作用 CO2+H2O光能、叶绿素CH2+2 2、蒸腾作用 经济利用:
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一、根的变态 (一)贮藏根 1、肉质直根 2、块根
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一、花的概念 花是不分枝的变态的短枝,是被子植物兼 行无性生殖和有性生殖的结构,产生大、小孢 子和雌雄配子,两性配子受精后,花就发育为 果实和种子
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一、开花 (一)概念 开花:当雄蕊中的花粉粒和雌蕊中的胚囊(或二者之一)已经成熟,花冠、花萼张开,雌雄蕊露出的现象称为开花
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