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The Object of Hypothesis Testing To answer- How \good\ is the estimated regression line. How can we be sure that the estimated regression function (i.e., the SRF) is in fact a good estimator of the true PRF?
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5.1 The Meaning of Regression Analysis 1.Regression analysisthe study of the relationship between one variable Y (the explained, or dependent variable) and one or more other variables X/Xs (explanatory, or independent variables)
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2.1 SOME NOTATION 1. The Summation Notation X, =X1++...+n can be abbreviated as:Σx,orΣx 2. Properties of the Summation Operator
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Consumer Preferences Budget Constraints Consumer Choice Revealed Preferences
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Supply and Demand The Market Mechanism Changes in Market Equilibrium Elasticities of Supply and Demand Short-Run Versus Long-Run Elasticities
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Quality Uncertainty and the Market for Lemons Market Signaling Moral Hazard The Principal-Agent Problem
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General Equilibrium Analysis Efficiency in Exchange Equity and Efficiency Efficiency in Production
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Topics to be Discussed Competitive Factor Markets Equilibrium in a Competitive Factor Market Factor Markets with Monopsony Power Factor Markets with Monopoly Power
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Gaming and Strategic Decisions Dominant Strategies The Nash Equilibrium Revisited Repeated Games
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Monopolistic Competition Oligopoly Price Competition Competition Versus Collusion:he Prisoners' Dilemma
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