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Uints I. Basic listening practice 1. Script W: I bought a camera from your store. Here's my receipt. I know it's just warranty period, but the camera hasn't worked properly for some time, and now it's not focusing at all. M: We're sorry you've has problem with one of our cameras. I t seems that the camera has suffered some damage, but you've been a regular customer, and wed
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◼ 8.1通信网络的基础知识 ◼ 8.2 S7-200 PLC的通信与网络 ◼ 8.3 S7-200 PLC的通信指令
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Ⅱ. Listening skills Listening for Telephone numbers 1. W: I' m wondering if the weather will be good for us to go cycling on Saturday M: Let's call the weather office. I know the phone number. It's 661-3047. If the weather is going to be bad, we'll have to wait for another week Q: What's the phone number for the weather office?
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1.惯性系S′相对另一惯性系 S 沿 x 轴作匀速直线运动,取两坐标原点重合时刻作为计时起 点.在S系中测得两事件的时空坐标分别为
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首先,复习e=Bδlv公式,说明 e正比于Bδ。结合图2.1解释v=2πRn/60(m/s, n(r/min)); 机械角速度Ω=v/R=2πn/60 ( r/s); 电角速度ω=pΩ=p2πn/60 (rad/s) (记下来);导体或线圈
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Method of Green’s functions General concepts of Green’s function Fundamental solution Green’s function of the evolutionproblems Fundamental solutions of the evolutionproblems
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第一节遥感、地理信息系统与全球定位系统综合应用概述 一、地理信息系统及其在3S技术中的作用 二、全球定位系统及其在3S技术中的作用 三、遥感技术及其在3S技术中的作用
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Foreword he State of the World's Forests reports every two years on the status of forests, recent major policy and institutional developments and key issues concerning the forest sector. This is the fourth edition of the publication, the purpose of which is to make current, reliable and policy-relevant information widely available to polic makers, foresters and other natural resource managers, academics, forest industry and civil society. Our hope is that it will facilitate informed discussion and decision making with regard to the world,s forests As we approach the benchmark year of 2002, the tenth anniversary of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), it is an opportune moment to take stock of the progress
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The students will learn the consonants: nasals, approximants & lateral(s) in English. Objectives: Students will be able to: 1. Define - in their own words a definition for Nasals, Approximants & Lateral(s); 2. Compare – based on the understanding of the basic concept, compare them with other consonants;
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注意:我们在练习题中经常要用到一个学号数S(N): s(N)=1.nN2N3 其中N1,N2,N3分别为各人学号的最后三个数字。比如,陈群同学的学号是2001012610078,那么它的学 号数为 (N)=1.078 各人在作业中用各人的学号数可以避免抄作业,但还是 可以相互对作业以发现问题。 练习题 1.利用迭代法求S(N)的算术平方根,要求精 确到小数点后4位。 2.用秦九韶算法求多项式
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