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实验10求多元函数的无条件极值 方法一:基本求解法: 步骤1定义函数z=f(xy) 步骤2求解方程组f《x,y)=0f(xy)=0,求出驻点; 步骤3对每个驻点求出二阶偏导数:A=f\
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Method1定义一个三wei列向量,在个占位符处分别输入三个方程,点击 Symbolic板 上的 solve按钮,在随后的占位符处,顺次键入未知数x,y,z即可
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asynchronous[a'si6 k ranas]a.异步的 serial[' sirian]a.串行的,串联的 transmission[ t raen z'mi∫an]a.传输,发送 interface[ i n taf e i s]r.接口
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principle[ pr i nsi pI]n.原理 be dependent on依赖,取决于 sample['samp1]vt..样;样值 quantize[ k won t z]v.量化,分层 ode[koud]v.编码;n.码 scheme[ski:m]n.方案,设计,安排 describe[dis'\ k r ai b]vt.叙述,描述 description叙述,描述
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一、空间直角坐标系 1.将数轴(一维)、平面直角坐标系(二维进一步推广建立空间直角坐标系(三 维)如图7-1,其符合右手规则。即以右手握住z轴当右手的四个手指从正向x轴以
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REMINDER: The 6.003 Final Exam will he held on december 16th. The final will cover all the material covered during the term, including the material or z transforms and DT feedback systems, the subjects of this problem set Reading Assignments
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Reading Assignments Lectures #5-6& PS#2: Chapter 3 of Oppenheim and Willsky(O& w) Lectures #3-4 &z PS#3: Chapters 3&4 of Oppenheim and Willsky(O&w) Exercise for home study (not to be turned in, although we will provide solutions)
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Last time: Unit circle (=1) in the ROCDTFT X(@) exists Rational transforms correspond to signals that are linear combinations of DT exponentials
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第一章化学热力学基础 1-1:注意S单位制,PaxL1×103=J.(1)-1750,(2)3500J 1-2:(1)-3000J;(2)-300J注意符号和运算准确 1-3:体系复原是△z=0(△=0),非状态函数W≠0 Wp外△V只适用于(恒外压过程的每一步不适用于有多步的
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1绪论 1.1.1仿照图 1.1.2①石英预制棒加热炉温度控制系统方框图,画出图1.1.1中光纤拉丝 盘转速控制的电子系统方框图,并加以说明。 X、Y、Z位移装置 距地基平面14m 预制棒空间位置 控制系统
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