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PART I THE SITUATION AND RECENT DI NTS IN THE FOREST SECTOR Recent developments his chapter discusses some of the main issues effectiveness of forest management(see and emerging trends in the forest sector, Management, conservation and sustainable focusing largely on the last two to three years. development of forest resources, p. 6). A pilot As it is impossible to cover all nev assessment of the health of the worlds developments, notable events and significant
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Ozone in the atmosphere STRATOSPHERE TROPOSPHERE In this region, ozone protects In this region, ozone can us from the sun's harmful damage lung tissue and uitraviolet radiation
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Air quality and particles Epidemiological(流行病学) evidence associates atmospheric particles with diseases and mortality Particles penetrate the lungs, blocking and irritating aIr passages. Particles themselves could exert toxic effects. ( toxic substances present in the particles [polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons are examples of toxic substances in aerosols.]
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Preview During World War II, life in England was filled with hardships and sorrow because Hitler's Nazi air force was booming London repeatedly. The people of the country had to pull together and help one another in countless ways so that normal daily life could continue as much as possible England's Royal Air Force was heroic in the way the few pilots continued to meet and fight against the tremendous number of Nazi airplanes The citizens on the ground
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equipment, and to Dr. G. E. R. Deacon and the a residue on each chain every 3.4 A. in the z-direc- captain and officers of R. R.S. Discovery II for their tion. We have assumed an angle of 36between part in making the observations. at residues in the same chain, so th he 1Young, F. B., Gerrard, H., and Jevons,., Phil Mag., 40, 149 structu on each chain, that
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In this paper we discuss the role of the media in pressuring corporate managers and directors to behave in ways that are \socially acceptable. Sometimes this coincides with shareholders' value maximization others not. We provide both anecdotal and systematic evidence that media affect companies' policy toward the environment and the amount of corporate resources that are diverted to the sole advantage of controlling shareholders. Our results have important consequences for the focus of the corporate governance debate and for the feasibility of reforms aimed at improving corporate governance around the
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Numerous empirical studies have demonstrated that asset prices react rapidly, if at all, to news published in the mass media. In many cases, the information has been discounted and prices have already moved upon primary publication through news wires, press releases or firm announcements. Any remaining information is usually quickly priced in after
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Interest groups seek to influence economic activity through public and private politics. Public politics takes place in the arenas of public inst it utions, whereas private politics takes place out side public inst itutions oft en in the arena of public sentiment. Private politics refers to action by interest groups directed at private parties, as in the case of an activist group launching a campaign against a firm
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The independence of editorial content from advertisers' influence is a cornerstone of journalistic ethics We test whether this independence is observed in practice. We find that mutual fund recommendations are correlated with past advertising in three personal finance publications but not in two national news- papers. Our tests control for numerous fund characteristics, total advertising expenditures
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A1 Introduction Definition of crime--Crime is behaviour that breaks those rules of a society which are codified in the criminal law. (p131) Crimes are defined and punished by statutes and by the common law oIn changing society the opportunities for people to commit crimes also change. oChanges in patterns of work, in unemployment
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