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Service times Poisson arrivals at rate n Service time has arbitrary distribution with given E[X] and E[X2I Service times are independent and identically distributed (ID) Independent of arrival times E[service time]=1/u Single Server queue
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An interesting property of an M/M/ 1 queue, which greatly simplifies combining these queues into a network, is the surprising fact that the output of an M/M/ queue with arrival rate is a Poisson process of rate This is part of Burke's theorem, which follows from reversibility A Markov chain has the property that P[future present, past] P[future present] Conditional on the present state, future states and past states are independent
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Multiple Access shared transmission medium a receiver can hear multiple transmitters a transmitter can be heard by multiple receivers the major problem with multi-access is allocating the channel between the users the nodes do not know when the other nodes have data to send Need to coordinate transmissions
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Carrier Sense Multiple Access(CSMA) In certain situations nodes can hear each other by listening to the channel “Carrier Sensing CSMA: Polite version of Aloha Nodes listen to the channel before they start transmission Channel idle=> Transmit Channel busy = Wait (join backlog) When do backlogged nodes transmit? When channel becomes idle backlogged nodes attempt transmission with probability q=1 Persistent protocol, q=1 Non-persistent protocol,< 1
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Optimal Routing View routing as\global\ optimization problem Assumptions: The cost of using a link is a function of the flow on that link The total network cost is the sum of the link costs The required traffic rate between each source-destination pair is known in advance Traffic between source-destination pair can be split along multiple paths with infinite precision
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6.1 树的定义和基本术语 6.2 二叉树 6.2.1 二叉树的定义 6.2.2 二叉树的性质 6.2.3 二叉树的存储结构 6.3 遍历二叉树与线索二叉树 6.3.1 遍历二叉树 6.3.2 线索二叉树 6.4 树和森林 6.4.1 树的存储结构 6.4.2 森林与二叉树的转换 6.4.3 树和森林的遍历 6.6 赫夫曼树及其应用 6.6.1 最优二叉树(赫夫曼树) 6.6.2 赫夫曼编码
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7.1 图的定义和术语 7.2 图的存储结构 7.2.1 数组表示法 7.2.2 邻接表
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一个学校的图书资料室处理下列事物:学生借书、学生还书、学生续借书、图书查询、 购买新书、预订报纸杂志、博士硕士论文存档。该图书资料室规定每位学生借书不能超过十 本,每本书借阅期一个月,可续借一次,每本书借阅期加续借期不超过两个月,如超期归还, 图书资料室开出超期付款单
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一、跟踪 ASP NET应用程序 二、调试 ASPNET应用程序 三、解释数据缓存和输出缓存 四、将缓存部署到应用程序中
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一、串的定义 二、串的操作
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