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.Unsteady, aperiodic motion in which all three velocity components fluctuate→ mixing matter, momentum, and energy. Decompose velocity into mean and fluctuating parts:
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HEAT EXCHANGER NETWORK SYNTHESIS 1: TARGETING OBJECTIVES: 1 Determine the minimum energy inputs required for a process 2Determine the minimum number of heat exchangers required to transfer this energy 3Develop a methodology for determining where these heat exchangers should be placed in the process
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生物和环境 1神经的凋亡 Apoptosisi of Neuron 2.肌动蛋白 myosin的构象及作用机制 ture The Structure and Function of Myosin 3.钇激光器的发射特性 Yb Llaser Radiation Character 4.胰酶分泌素的分泌机制 The Secreting Mechanism of Cholecystokinin 5.钙离子在信号传导中的作用 The Function of Calcium in Signal Transduction 6.1,5-二磷酸核酮糖羧化酶的进化过程 The Evolution of Rubisco
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ENGINEERING ECONOMICS I TO INVEST, OR NOT TO INVEST, THAT IS THE QUESTION. (With apologies to William Shakespeare) Given one or more potential projects, how do we decide in which to invest, if any? What criteria do we use to evaluate potential projects?
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HEAT EXCHANGER DESIGN GOALS: Role of heat exchangers in chemical processing Basic concepts and terminology Types of heat exchangers Design methodology Sizing Design Rating
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HEAT EXCHANGER DESIGN GOALS: Role of heat exchangers in chemical processing Basic concepts and terminology Types of heat exchangers Design methodology Sizing Design Rating
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DEFINITIONS EQUIPMENT RATING: Given the input streams, operating parameters, and size parameters, determine the equipment performance and output streams EQUIPMENT SIZING: Given the input streams and the performance specifications, estimate the economically important size parameters using approximate methods EQUIPMENT DESIGN: Produce a design in enough detail to guide the fabrication of the item of equipment
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第四章例题 一填空题 1.二元混合物的恰的表达式为H=x1H1+x2H2+ax2,则 H1=H1+ax2;H2=H2+ax2(由偏摩尔性质的定义求得) 2.填表 偏摩尔性质(M) 溶液性质(M) 关系式(M=xM) In( /;) Inf Inf=x,(. /x;) Ino Inop Ing=x, Inp InYi GE/RT GE/RT=x, Inri 3.有人提出了一定温度下二元液体混合物的偏摩尔体积的模型是 =(1+ax2),2=V2(1+bx1),其中V1,V2为纯组分的摩尔体积,a,b为常数,问 所提出的模型是否有问题? Gibbs-Duhem-方程得a=x2b,ab不可能是常数,故提出的模型有问题;若模型改为1=11+ax2)2=V2(1+bx2),情况又如 何?ibbs- Duhem方程得,a=b,故提出的模型有一定的合理性
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Estimation of the inputs A computer exercise using real data Implementation problem and some solutions Estimation results in uncertainty Shrinkage and Bayesian inference to deal with uncertainty Imposing restrictions
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he formation of the traditional economic system in China 为什么中国盲目学习苏联?要克服的困难一样,所以, 解决的办法也一样 The motivations for adopting the Stalinist heavy-industry-oriented development strategy. a. The dream for nation building, heavy industry and military power b. The experience of Soviet Union's industrialisation 美发生经济大萧条的对比
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