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64.1 Transformer Construction The Transformer Core. Core and Shell Types. Transformer windings. Taps 64.2 Power Transformer Modeling The Three-Winding Ideal Transformer Equivalent Circuit. A Practical Three-Winding Transformer Equivalent Circuit. The
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62.1 Power Quality Disturbances Periodic Waveform Distortion Voltage Fluctuations and Flicker. Transients Brief Interruptions, Sags, and Swells.Unbalances.Transients Jos Arrillaga 62.2 Power Quality Monitoring University of Canterbury
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80.1 Integrated Circuits(RAM, ROM) Dynamic RAMs(DRAMs). Static RAMs(SRAMs).Nonvolatile Programmable Memories. Read-Only Memories(ROMs) W. David Pricer 80.2 Basic Disk System Architectures IBM Basic Magnetic Disk System Architecture.Characterization of 1/0 Workloads. Extensions to Conventional Disk Architectures Randy H. Katz
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78.1Introduction 78.2 The Role of Simulation 78.3 Motivation for the Use of Simulation 78.4 Limitations of Simulation 78.5 Simulation Structure 78.6 The Interdisciplinary Nature of Simulation 78.7 Model Design
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76.1Introduction 76.2 Loop Filter 76.3Noise 76.4 PLL Design Procedures Steven L. Maddy 76.5Components RLM Research 76.6 Applications
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本节要求了解 object window中类库提供了哪些接口,了解哪些接口是可直接定义类的 对象以及哪些是要派生新类和重新定义函数的。具体用到时请查阅有关手册和在线帮助
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Related Titles from WILEY-VCH H. Gunzler and H.-U. Gremlich (eds) IR Spectroscopy 2002. ca. 361 pages. Hardcover. ISBN 3-527-28896-1 . Siesler, Y. Ozaki, S. Kawata and H. M. Heise (eds) Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Principles, Instruments, Applications 2001. ca. 348 pages
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