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◼ 第一节 前言 ◼ 第二节 酶化学修饰的方法及修饰剂 ◼ 第三节 酶分子侧链基团的化学修饰 ◼ 第四节 有机大分子对酶的修饰 ◼ 第五节 蛋白质类及其它 ◼ 第六节 修饰酶的性质及特点 ◼ 第七节 酶化学修饰的应用
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一、基本概念 二、病因 三、病理生理 四、病理 五、临床表现及分类:分类、度、型 六、诊断 七、治疗
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9.1基因是什么 9.2DNA的半保留复制 9.3RNA的组成和作用 9.4转录 9.5遗传密码的破译 9.6蛋白质的合成 9.7人类基因组计划
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Neurodegenerative diseases and ubiquitin-proteasome syster to copyright considerations See Figure chanover, A and Brundin, P. 2003. The ubiquitin proteasome enerative diseases: sometimes the chicken, sometimes the egg
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Cystic fibrosis channels. The R-domain has more than one function. In addition to it's inhibitory role in Cystic fibrosis is a hereditary disease that channel gating (when unphosphorylated)the causes certain glands to produce abnormal
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Images removed due to copyright considerations. See the following: Figure 1 and Table 1 in Reed SI. 2003. Ratchets and clocks: The cell cycle nover ubiquitylation and protein turnover. Nat Rev. Mol. Cell Biol. 4: 855-864. Figure 1 in Bartek J, Lukas J. Mammalian G1-and S-phase checkpoints in response to DNA damage. Curr Opin Cell
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Reversible ligation of Ubiquitin and Ubls to other proteins. Figure by MIT OCW. After Figure 1 in Hochstrasser M. Evolution and function of ubiquitin-like protein-conjugation systems. Nat Cell Biol. 2000 Aug:
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Figure 2 in Muratani M, Tansey WP. \How the ubiquitin-proteasome system controls transcription.\ Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. 2003 Mar; 4(3): 192-201. Regulation of TCR by ubiquitylation of RNA polymerase II. Transcription-coupled repair (TCR)is the mechanism through which mutations in actively transcribed genes are preferentially repaired. a Elongating RNA polymerase II (pol II)
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Rip: REGULATED INTRAHENBRANE PROTEOLYSis .Site. spacifie membrae. prote2ses Substratey achivated by protcolytc procassing .. SREBP TF controlling rol metabohis IRE1 Unfolded protein response Notch APP \RoP*: REGULATED. UBiQUiTIN/PROTEASOME DEPENDENT PROCESSING\ type ERAD (ER zciakd dxgradatin) process involving proltoly'c procassing:
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1.1有机化学和有机化合物 有机化学是化学学科的一个重要分支,它诞生于19世纪初期,迄今不足200年,但已 成为与人类生活有着密切关系的一门学科。有机化学的研究对象是有机化合物。有机化合物 大量存在于自然界,如粮、油、棉、麻、毛、丝、木材、糖、蛋白质、农药、塑料、染料、 香料、医药、石油等大多数都是有机化合物
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