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1、特勒根定理 2、互易定理
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1、叠加定理 2、替代定理
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1、回路电流法 2、支路电流法、网孔电流法、回路电流法的比较
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主要内容: 1、图论中的几个概念 2、电路独立方程个数的确定
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Above, analysis for multivariable control systems with respect to nominal and robust st ability as well as nominal and robust performan has been assessed. It was assumed that the spec- ifications for robustness were given in terms of weight matrices Wu(s) and Wu2(s), and that the performance specifications similarly were given by weight matrices Wpi(s) and Wp2()
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In this chapter a number of tools for the analysis of multivariable systems will be given.In particular, this will indude poles and zeros of multivariable sy stems the generalized Nyquist Theorem for st ability analysis of multivariable sy stems, and frequency responses for multi-
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In order to be able to design a robust compensator to control a given pro cess, it is necessary not only to specify a nominal mo del of the process, but also the model uncert ainty to which the control sy stem has to be robust. The compensator is required to make the output follow variations in the reference signal and to attenuate disturbances. Hence to design the com- pensator
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一、综述 由于ERP系统的财会建立在集成信息的基础上,因而比单一的计算机财务系统具有集成度高、信息处理及时的优点。 二、集成采购、库存、销售、生产、设备等所有与企业财务活动有关的信息。 三、如果信息集成度较高,则70%以上的凭证可以自动生成
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13.1调频波的基本性质 13.2变容管调频电路 13.3调频波的解调—鉴频 13.4自动频率控制(AFC)
文档格式:DOC 文档大小:240.5KB 文档页数:6
一、选择题(共20p每小题1p)(请直接圈出你的选择,例如:(A) 1、图示电路,求i
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