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非关税措施是指除关税以外影响一国对外贸易的主要政策措施。包括限制进口措施、鼓励出口措施、鼓励进口措施、出口管制措施、贸易制裁措施等。 第一节 限制进口措施 第二节 鼓励出口措施 第三节 鼓励进口措施 第四节 出口管制措施 第五节 贸易制裁措施
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第一节会计的产生与发展 一、会计适应生产活动发展的需要而产生 1会计与生产活动的关系
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Text A: fantasy, suspicion, injection, deputy, considerate, restore, estate, fantastic, multiple, furnish, deceive, commission, substantial, arrest, motive, justify exceeding, swear, disguise, switch e Text B: romantics, mysterious, e it, sigh, simplify, standpoint, heave, shiver, 2. Key phrases and expressions Text A: raise a glass to, turn out, buy up, live out, add on, fix up, sell sth at a loss Text B: read about, for one thing, in the night, make an appointment, switch on, raise the devil answer the door. stare after 3. Key structures
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Lecture Notes one A Brief Introduction of the Great Britain Guide This tourism and travel guide for London, featuring hotels, street maps. restaurants, tours, attractions and more will help you plan a successful trip to London, England, United Kingdom. London is a city of contrasts- steeped in history and tradition and yet always at the forefront of contemporary fashion
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第一部分:考研英语翻译状况分析与策略 I.翻译考试的内容与考生状况分析 研究生英语入学考试中的翻译项目旨在通过翻译测试考生正确理解英文原文的能力及汉语的表 达能力。此项测试方法是通过阅读一篇难度适中的短文(题材不限,长度约400字上下),翻 译其中较为复杂的5个句子。翻译共5题,每题2分,满分为10分;每题划分为若干个给分 段,每一分段的分值为0.5或1。对考生的要求是对原文理解正确,译文表达清楚准确,对汉 语不作过高要求
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Intensive Study Marriage Across the Nations Para. 1 Gail and I imagined quiet wedding. During our two years together we had experienced the usual ups and downs of a couple learning to know, understand, and respect each other. But through it all we had honestly confronted the
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一、指导思想 为了客观地测试以同等学力申请硕士学位人员以下简称同等学力人员)的英语水平保证学位授予的质量 根据《国务院学位委员会关于授予具有研究生毕业同等学力人员硕士、博士学位的规定》(1998年6月18 日通过)和国务院学位委员会办公室1994年下达的《关于在职人员以同等学力申请硕士学位外国语课程水 平统一考试的通知》的精神和要求结合具有同等学力的在职人员学习英语的特点,在总结近几年来同等学 力人员英语水平统一考试工作的基础上
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Questions for Thoughts 1. It is said if you' re tired of London, you're tired of life. Do you think so? Why or why not? 2. What do you think of the weather in great Britain? Do you think that the uncertainty of the weather really has a definite effect upon the Englishmans
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Warm-up Exercises and Preview Questions: 1. What is the symbol of the United States of America? What do you know about the Statue of Liberty? 2. Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand a mighty woman with a torch whose flame is imprisoned lightning
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According to a survey and my own observation young people today are more consumeristic and less idealistic. The college students'major objective \is to be financially well off.\ Less important than ever is developing a meaningful philosophy of life. It is true that we need to be financially comfortable, but we also need to feel we have perspective on the world beyond the confines of our occupation It is the duty of educational institutions to help people get a better understanding
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