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LECTURE18 Human Disruption and Ecological Restoration Human impacts The ways of human disruption of ecosystems: ecosysten -Over-hunting, overharvesting, overgrazing etc. -Deforestation, Pollution, Cultural reasons
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The State of the HK Economy The Hong Kong economy staged a sharp rebound over the course of 1999, recovering robustly from the severe setback brought about by the earlier Asian financial turmoil. The recovery was strongly export-led. In consequence, there was a marked increase in the combined visible invisible trade surplus over the year
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NETWORK ECONOMIES Business network bamboo\network smuggling human trafficking chamber of commerce, untary- loca rotary, country club, etc Compulsory-belong to an organization. to survive or operate successfully e.g. accountant, bankers. Concept of networks ocially b inding ties hetween actors Global tribes- combination of ethnic
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This socio-economic growth, together with the rapid expansion of Hong Kong's port and airport facilities and increase in cross boundary traffic, have placed tremendous demands on transport
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With a population of 12.5 billion and relatively low economic, scientific and technical Industries did not adhere to a standard of environmental performance and environmental agencies lacked sufficient funds and authority to enforce environmental regulations Cities are the engines of economic growth. Unfortunately, cities in China are facing serious
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College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Nankai University, Tianjin300071) Abstract: This paper summed up the Course and the achievement of Chinese promoting Cleaner Production. It emphasized the creativity of mechanism of Chinas CP development in future, include to bring CP into its Social-Economical Development Program, to encourage local governments to promote CP, to encourage departments to support CP, etc Key Words: Cleaner Production, pollution control, sustainable development, creativity of mechanism
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Population, environment and development For example World population has more than doubled in only 43 years, from 2.5 billion in 1950 to 5.5 billion in 1993. Unless death rates rise sharply, it may reach 11 billion by 2045, and 14 billion by 2100 Resources, economic development, and resource scarcity All countries seek economic growth: increasing their capacity to provide goods and services for final
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一、Case Study:商务通的成功广告策略 1 陈好时期什么是商务通? 2 李湘时期告诉人们我们有多好 3 濮存晰时期我们还可以做得更好 4 结果:上市一年销售40万台,完成品牌形象的树立 5 经验:”我们都是销售出身,我们不是在做商务通时才知道怎么卖东西的。准确地说,我们严格地按照书本上的理论做,只不过,我们做得比别人更坚决、更到位。孙陶然(恒基伟业常务副总经理)
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1国际商法是调整跨越国界的商事关系的各种法律规范的总称。 2.法的渊源,又称“法源”或“法律渊源,是一个有不同含义的概念,可以从不同角度来理解。作为专门的法学概念,一般认为,法的渊源是指法的效力渊源,即根据法的效力来源而表现的法的不同形式
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近日,从可靠渠道获悉,长安集团旗下的长安民生物流已经获得香港上市证监 会上市委员会聆讯批准,正在进行路演。 这是长安集团旗下继长安汽车(000625.Z)后的第二家上市公司,融资额大 约在2亿港元左右。虽然最终上市地由主板改为创业板,但尹家绪一直希望获得的 海外筹资通道终被曲线打开,这也为长安集团未来的海外整体上市埋下了伏笔
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